I almost verbally gasp at my stroke of genius. Well I did swear to shake it up. I rush to the back and grab two chocolate muffins. I then quickly make two espresso shots. The second the espresso is done brewing I cut a hole in the top of each muffin and pour the shots in.  I stuff the bits of extracted muffin back into their original spots. I glance at my watch to take note of the time. 

I shift my gaze to the giant window by the piano, ignoring the girls. The sky looks heavy, I wonder if it will rain...

I wonder if Mason has made it to his hotel, or if he'll be caught in the rain.

I shook my head to clear my thoughts and grabbed the muffins. I set them down on the table closest to the piano. 

"It's a little different from usual, let me know if it's any good."

The girls scramble to move from the piano to the table. They examine the treat before each taking a bite from their respective muffins. I won't do so much as to assume they're comfortable enough to share their food. 

I watch their eyes light up, as if I can see the caffeine shooting through their veins. Geez, it was only a shot. 

 "That is amazing! Candy likes!" 

"Holy... Rehpic you're some kind of genius! How'd you come up with this?" 

The girls practically inhaled their muffins. I really didn't think it'd be that good. 

"Well, just a stroke of inspiration I guess." 

"You should add it to the menu. Your coffee is exceptional and your pastries are very good as well, the perfect combination I think." Candy complemented while adjusting her glasses 

"You think? I don't know... What would I even call it?" 

"Why don't you just call it the 'coffee chocolate muffin'?"

"Well it's really espresso and you guys know me, I'll just get annoyed at the people who ask "what is it?" it's pretty self explanatory." 

"What about your inspiration? Why not name it after that?" Candy suggests 

Name it after Mason? No, that's too obsessive, if he comes back tomorrow and sees that on the menu I don't think he would ever come back. 

"I think I know what to call it. Thank you, you two. You make a great taste test duo." 

They each blushed and turned away from each other. It's almost frustrating that they don't realize how much they like each other. 

I think I need a moment to clear my head, I just can't seem to focus. 

"Guys, I'm just going to step out for a moment..." 

They encouraged me take as much time as I need. I trust them. That and the entirety of my storefront is two giant windows, so they can't hide anything from me. I step outside and take a deep breath. That pine tree smell, the best... I crouched on the pavement and hugged my knees. 

Why can't I stop thinking about him? 

I stared at my socks, black with yellow lining at the opening. The pavement around me started to speckle with dark gray spots. Ah, the rain. I looked up, letting my blond hair fall back. Ah, gravity. I closed my eyes and took a breath. The scent of the forest and the sound of the rain, I couldn't ask for a better natural relaxant.  

"Rehpic? What are you doing out here? In the rain no less! You're going to get soaked!" 

"Oh it's quite alright, I actually enjoy it." 

"You need to be careful, this town couldn't function if 'Koffee Kid?' had to shut down!" 

That made me feel warm, "You're right, I should take better care of myself, sorry Melody." 

She laughed and took off her shoes, "Besides, wet socks are no fun to walk around in!"

I smiled, "Yeah, that's a weird feeling..." I went upstairs and grabbed the towels and umbrellas to set out by the door. I handed one to Melody, "Did you jump in here to miss the rain?"

"No, actually I came to pick up some coffee!" 

"In that case, what can I make you?"

"Just 4 cups of your house blend." 


"Yeah I know, first time I've picked up more than 2 in a long time!"

We laughed, "How is he? Your husband."

"He's well. Just as clumsy and loveable as ever." She swoons 

I set out the four to-go cups and poured the coffee in. 

"So why so many cups?"

"Soos has family in town!"

Family? In town?

"In town? I thought his family lived here?"

"Oh well, you know, chosen family. People you may not be related to by blood, but you're still family." 

I nodded, no Melody, I don't know what that's like. 

"I actually should've brought him here with me, I think he'd really like this place." 


"Ah, but he just got to the hotel from traveling, no need to drag him out right this minute. He'll be around for a while anyway." 

Him? Hotel? 

"Here." Again, my hands were shaking. Why does this keep happening to me? I placed the coffees in the holder.

I caught her as she was putting on her rain poncho, "Thanks!" She placed the money on the counter, grabbed the carrier, and slipped her shoes on.

"Melody-" she turned around, "I-uh... please... tell Mason I said hi." 

Her eyes widened, from shock or fear, I couldn't say. She stared at me for a moment, then smiled, 

"Sure thing." 

Sweater Weather~BillDip fanfiction (BoyxBoy) UNDER CONSTRUCTIONWhere stories live. Discover now