Chapter 12 The Big Problem

Start from the beginning

"Cassie! I'm so glad your awake and alright" Will says, enveloping me in a hug. I hug him back, dazed and confused.

"Will? What's going on, who is she, and where am I?" I ask. Will pulls back.

"Cassie, this is my sister, Xena. And your in my house" Will says. I stare at him, surprise my first emotion, then a feeling of dread starts to set in.

"Why am I at your house?" I ask. Will bites his bottom lip.

"Well, I found you in the woods...I was worried that something was wrong, I didn't know where you lived, and I wasn't just going to be a dick and leave you I brought you to my house. My sister got you dressed. Looks like you guys are the same size" Will says, quickly. I can tell he is afraid of my reaction, so I stay quiet, taking what he said in. After a moment I nod.

"Okay. Quick question" I say. Will nods.

"Okay. Shoot" he says.

"What the hell are you?" I ask him. Will bites his lip.

"Well...I'm a vampire...we both are" Will says. I stare at him in surprise because I never would have suspected him of being a vampire. Then I remember something.

"Wait...are you guys the one's who are...killing people around here?" I ask Will. He smiles.

"Yeah. Why? It doesn't matter. They are just humans. They are practically walking blood bags" Will says. I stare at him in surprise, even more than before. Then anger wells up inside me as I think of Jeremy.

"Not all humans should be thought of that way. In fact, there are a lot of great humans out there. We are not gods compared to them...we are no better than them" I say angrily. Will is surprised at my outburst.

"Don't tell me you've grown fond of a...of a human have you?" Will asks me incredulously. I fight back the urge to glare at him.

"Maybe I have" I say. Will steps closer to me, all friendliness gone.

"Who? Who is it?" Will hisses at me, anger showing in his eyes and...jealousy?

"Why do you care? And I wouldn't tell you if my life depended on it" I hiss back. Will's eyes widen slightly then he growls.

"Who is it!" He shouts. His sister smacks him upside the head.

"It's that Gilbert boy you dumb ass!" She hisses at him. I stare at her, surprised. I had forgotten she was even there. Will stares at her a second then turns to me. Then he does something I never would have expected. He begins to laugh.

"The...Gilbert...Boy?" He says into between laughs. "Jeremy-That boy?-Oh my god!" He begins to laugh harder. His sister sighs and I look at her.

"Why is that so fucking funny to him?" I hiss.

"Because. My brother defines Jeremy differently than you do. You define him as a brother defines him as-" She is cut off by her brother speaking again.

"Stoner Boy!" he shouts. I look back at him.

"What did you just call him?" I say. Will's laughter had finally died down and now he was breathing heavily.

"'Stoner Boy' Cassie. I called him 'Stoner Boy' You are into Stoner Boy?" Will says, seeming to fight off a chuckle.

"No I'm not into him. He's my friend" I hiss.

"I here he's into you though. I will say this only once. If I find out that you are dating him, he will end up in an, already marked, grave" Will says, dangerously calm. Then, I feel his lips pressing against mine. I don't instantly react like I did when Damon had first kissed me. Instead, it as if my brain shuts down because it cannot process the fact that Will is kissing me.

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