Episode 1

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So you a girl... An orphan... Since your 7 y/o, your parent's died in a mysterious fire and you were left alone with your brother. But when you were 10 y/o your brother disappeared, and two years later they said he was find dead...

You:(griping your brother's shirt tight while your eyes are tearing) Plz Oppa im begging you... Plz don't leave me... I'll be a good girl I promise but plz don't leave me...
Your Brother:(turn around to you and hug you tight) I'm sorry (Y/N)... But I have to... Promise me (tear slip on his cheeks) you'll be a good girl and stay out of troublmand take care of your self ,ok.
You:(you nodded and cry)
Your Brother: And what ever people tell you about me... Don't believe them, ok.
Your Brother: And always remember that-... That oppa love's you...
He kissed your forehead and ran away from not looking back.
You: OPPA...(whispers) i love you....
~End of the flash back~

So now your were 17 y/o, you ran away from the orphanage two years ago and lived by your own in a really small apartment that you try to pay with your three jobs. In the morning you worked at a clothing store, in the afternoon to the early night you worked as a waitress in a small restaurant and at night to late at night you worked at a caffe not that far from your apartment so you walked to get back.

~In the morning~
You woke up and got ready to go work at the clothes store you were still tired from the late work last night but you still got ready to go to work.

~ At work clothes store~
Other worker: Wow you look like crap you know?
You:(death glare at he with your puffy sleepy eyes)
Other worker: Worked late again?
Other worker: You know (Y/N) you should work less your gonna exhausts yourself...
You: Amber you know I have to work to keep ma apartment...
Amber:(think) Well you could come stay with me. You would pay less so have to work less and you would have ME!!!!
You: I don't know Am-...
Amber: Aww come on!!! (Llama eye lol)
You: Ok I'll think about it....
Amber: Yay... So tell me your answer tomorrow...(go away before you can say anything)
You:(laughs a little)
Amber:(scream from the back) AND NOW GO TAKE A NAP YOU NEED IT!!!
You:(just obey her because you know you can't do anything to make changes her mind)

~At the restaurant as a Waitress~
Look around and go take the orders... You don't know why but today you fell like someone is always staring at you but every time you look back or around there is nothing. You had been felling like this for some time but today you feel it.more then usual... But you just ignore it...

(Yungguk POV)
5 year... It been 5 years since I started to follow her... She's always getting pettier :)... But i still have to keep my self hided from her so she won't notice me... Her brother told me to alway keep an eye on her while he's away... I wonder went his gonna come back... Oh! She finished her shift she going the caffe... I think today im gonna go in... I want a coffe Mmmmm...:p
(END of Yungguk POV)

~At the caffe~
(Your POV)
Ding i heard the bell from the caffe that said that the is a new customers so i came from the back to the front and saw a handsome young men.
Me:(with a cute smile) Hello what can i serve you today sir?
The Men:(with a cute smile) Don't call me like that... Haha just call me Yungguk...
Me: Oh. Ok Yungguk, humm (feeling shy) what can I get you...
Yungguk: Well first I would like your name pretty lady...
Me:(blush) it-its (Y/N)...
Yungguk:(smile warmly) Pretty name for a pretty lady... Well (Y/N) i would like a Grande Caffe Latte plz...
Me:(shyly nodded and went to make the coffe)
Me:(handing the cut of coffe to Yungguk) Here Yungguk...
Yungguk:(take the coffe from you and accidentally touch your hand, but acc like nothing happened) Thank (Y/N)... (go and sit at a table)
He touched my hand omg!!!! I was snapped out of my tough because of a new customers... So i took he order and gave it to him and he sat on one of the table...
Ahhhh finally im finish... So i went out of the caffe and started walking home...
Then i felt like someone was following me and i turned around and found the men that i serve after Yungguk following me... Feel afraid I started walking faster... Then I felt someone push me on the ground, i rolled over so I was on my back the men griped my hands and pinted them down and I screamed as hard as i could but i stop when he held a knife on my throat and I started crying.
(End of Your POV)

(Yungguk POV)
I got out of the caffe not long after (Y/N), but then I heard a loud scream and I started running searching for her. And I found her pinted down on the ground by that men from earlier with a knife on her throat... Then i saw a tattoo on the  guys neck.... SHIT HE FROM THE COBRA... A bad gang... So i runned to her and kicked the guy off her and knocked him out... When I turned around I saw (Y/N) trembling in fear and I tryed to get closer to her but she yelled...
Me: But-...
You: GET AWAY!!!
I had to take her back with me because now well she kind of know who i am, but i knew she wouldnt listen to me. So i took out a tissue and a bottle of tranquilisant and pour some of it on the tissue. And i started walking to her but she got up and started running, i runned after her and griped her waist from the back and pulled her on me and cover her mouth with the tissue and she slowly started to lost conscious.
Me:(whispers in her ear) Im sorry its for your own good...
Then she passed away.
(End of Yungguk POV)

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