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Luke's POV

This place terrified the shit out of me.

I shared a room with a girl named Dallas. She had something called Nightmare Disorder. She never slept, and she always told me that they would come for her if she did sleep.

She told me his name was Zerik.

He would kill her in her dreams aND she was afraid to sleep.

I always tried to comfort her, but when I heard the voices, she would freak out.

I looked around, Dallas rocking back and forth, her knees pulled to her chest.

"No, leave me alone," I twitched a little. "Get out of my head! You're not real, you're not real!" I tugged at my hair and covered my ears as tears streamed down my face.

My 6'4 body curled up into a ball on the squeaky mattress.

"Get out of my head! You're not real! You're only in my head!" The tears continued streaming down my face.

"Shut the fuck up! No one is gonna hear you, stupid ass! Here, you're just gonna get ignored, don't try crying for help."

"They aren't listening to you, they don't care. Stop trying, you're just wasting your time."

"They aren't even gonna try to help you, stop calling out for help."

I looked around, and yelled at the top of my lungs.

I looked up into Dallas' eyes. She was talking, but I couldn't hear her. They were louder than her.

I tried reading her lips.

"Luke, calm down. I'm here," is what I made out.

She pulled me up and held my head in her hands, keeping it in place.

"Leave me alone! You're not real, you're not real." I started clawing at my face.

Lips pressed to mine. I hesitantly kissed back, the voices instantly dissipated into nothingness.

I pulled away and stared up at her.

"Th-they're gone." I pulled my hands away from my face.

She didn't say anything. She just stood there.

"Dallas.." I waved my hand in front of her face.

She crumbled to the ground.

I jumped up.

"Dallas! Wake up, Dallas, please!" I put her head in my lap.

Dallas' POV:

I woke up, the light flooding my vision, causing me to shut my eyes again.

The last thing I remember is kissing Luke and then my mind went blank.

I opened my eyes again, Luke's eyes looking back into mine.

"You're awake." He smiled.

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