Chapter 13: Nature

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A/N: Last chapter, guys! That doesn't include the stunning Epilogue. Anyways, don't forget to vote and to comment and to add to your libraries and reading lists, and if you aren't following me already, then please do! You won't regret it! Summer belongs to rotbtdfanficgirl!

When I opened my eyes I wasn't in the cellar with Angel where I had unknowingly started giving her Guardian Powers, I was still in a dark place, but it wasn't the cellar. I could hear screams and crying from the upstairs, so I drifted through the floorboards and sat on the chair closest to me. By the way the room was designed, I had a suspicion that I was in the 1700s.

I hated the 1700s.

I learned about the time period with Lupa and it just seemed very distasteful. I don't mean a little. I don't mean a lot. I mean the whole thing is. Women were disrespected.

I come from a time period where women are to be respected. There was a book in my house, the Bible I think it was called, and it said something like Likewise, ye husbands, dwell with them according to knowledge, giving honour unto the wife, as unto the weaker vessel, and as being heirs together of the grace of life; that your prayers be not hindered.

People took that book very seriously - I do too.

See, back in that time we women were thought of as possessions, but that all changed.

Then someone had to mess up the system and now women were treated like a commodity. Slaves. Worthless things.

In your time they still are! I think they're underestimated really.

I was walking through the streets of a city (New York I think) and I saw a woman. She got drugged and she ... well. I followed the captors. Pretty soon she was laying prone and prostrate on a table while the other men ... they did horrible things to that girl. I couldn't  watch. Later I heard that it was the girl's fault for getting raped.

Sometimes I hate the world. Sometimes I wonder if the Amazons were correct in what they did.

A screech shook me out of my thoughts and their rabbit trails. A young girl, maybe about sixteen, was thrown into the room in which I was seated. She crashed against the table and whimpered.

An angry man with a bottle of beer walked up to the girl and smashed the bottle right next to her head.

Whimpering, the girl scooted away, scared.

"Don't be scared, Summer," the drunkard said, his words slurring.

The girl, however, showed her fright more.

I reached out to help her, but my hand just passed through her. Once I touched the girl, Summer, something flashed before my eyes.

Jack Frost.


A red haired girl.








The first guardians.



A wedding.

I jerked my hand back and stared at the girl. None of this had ever happened to me when I touched another Guardian-to-be. This ... she was different. I could feel it. Not exactly bad, but not exactly good. It was ... frightening.

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