Carrying Amu

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Me: Oi, minna!
Utau: OH MY GOODNESS!! That's not her, right?
Yaya: Eh? You mean Pao-chan? That's her!!
Me: Didn't I tell you to not call me that?
Yaya: You're mean!
Me: Yeah whatever! Where's Amu, Rima and the boys?
Yaya: They're hiding behind that bush. *points to a bush*
Kairi: YAYA!!
Yaya: Ehehe! Gomenasai!
Everybody except me, Yaya and Utau: *comes out of the bush*
Me: There you are! We finally have a dare! Thank you AmuXTadase !!
Everybody except me: Thank you!! *sarcasm*
Me: Anyways, the dare is for Tadase!
Yaya: 😭😭 Why don't people notice me?!?
Me: Stop chit-chattering when I'm talking!!!
Yaya: You really are mean!
Me: *clears throat* As I said the dare is for Tadase and today is Sunday. Would anyone mind having me at your school tomorrow?
Amu: Everybody will mind!! You're not even a student there.
Me: I'll ask that Tsukasa guy. *calls Tsukasa*
~~~~~Phone Call~~~~~
Tsukasa: Hello?
Me: *Tadase's voice* Ah! Hello uncle!
Everybody except Tsukasa and me: *gasps*
Tsukasa: Hi Tadase, are you with the others?
Me: *Tadase's voice* Yes uncle! And we need to ask you a question.
Tsukasa: Ok. What is it?
Me: *Tadase's voice* Sanjou-kun, can you explain everything? *Kairi's voice* There's one person who wants to stay at your school for tomorrow only, would that be fine? She's not noisy at all! She's behaved all the time!
Me: *covers Yaya's mouth* *Kairi's voice* What about it?
Tsukasa: Sure! She can stay for tomorrow. I need to go though. Bye!
Me: *Tadase's voice* Bye uncle!
~~~~~End of Call~~~~~
Me: Hehe! See, he agreed! Thanks Tadase, Kairi! Hehe!
Amu: T-That's just cruel!
Me: Is it bad to copy other people's voices?
Amu: W-Well, no.
Me: I'm just great.
Rima: Yeah right.
Me: Okie dokie! See you guys tomorrow! We'll do the dare after school! Oh, and if you say weird things about me, I'll make you suffer by making up my own dares and make you do them! 😡😡
Everybody except me: Yeah, bye. *scared*
~~~~~Monday, At Seiyo Academy~~~~~
Me: Hi everybody!
Person 1: Is she new?
Person 2: Is she crazy?
Me: I am not! I'll tell the guardians. 😭😭
Person 3: You're new! They'll never know you!
Person 4: Ah! Look it's the guardians!
Me: WAAAAH!! Minna, they're bullying me! *hugs Amu's legs*
Amu: So? *whispers*
Me: Remember what I told you? *whispers*
Amu: Sorry. *whispers*
Me: Hihi!
Yaya: Hey! Don't bully her! She's our best friend.
Me: 😛😛😛
People: Gomenasai!!!
Me: I can't hear you!
People: GOMENASAI!!!
Vice Principal: Why are you students shouting?
People: *points at me*
Me: Why me? I'm an innocent girl! I didn't shout! Ne, Amu, minna? *gives the guardians a death glare*
Guardians: *nods*
Vice Principal: Ok. Everybody, classes are starting.
~~~~~After School~~~~~
Me: *snores outside of Amu's classroom*
Amu: Hey! Stand up!
Me: Sorry. I was sleeping.
Amu: Come on! Weren't we gonna do a dare?
Me: *stands up* Oh, right! Let's go!
~~~~~At The Mall~~~~~ Note: I'm only with Amu, Tadase, Rima and Yaya
Amu: Hey! Why are we at the mall? Why did you even go to our school?!
Me: Why did I go to your school? I don't know, honestly.
Yaya: WHAT?!
Me: Oh, because I wanted to try out my voice acting skills and I wanted you guys to stop people from bullying me. Cause I figured that'd happen. 😂😂😂
Amu: You really are cruel.
Me: Maybe, maybe not. Hahaha.
Rima: Anyways, what's the dare?
Me: Hihi.
Yaya: Must be funny.
Tadase: Why am I here?
Me: Didn't I tell you? You were doing the dare!
Tadase: Right. What is it?
Me: Since we're here at the mall, we'll go shopping. While we're shopping Tadase has to carry Amu!! 😍😆😏
Yaya: *brings out camera* I'm ready!
Rima: *nods*
Tadase and Amu: A-ARE YOU SERIOUS!?!?!?? 😳😳
Me: Of course! Why wouldn't I be? It wasn't from me. It was from AmuXTadase !
Amu: W-What's with that name? 😳😳
Me: It's great, ne?
Yaya: It's great!!
Rima: Let's go to that shop! *points to a shop*
Me: Sure! Tadase, carry Amu, NOW!!
Tadase: But... Fine. *carries Amu*
People: *stares at Amu and Tadase*
Tadase and Amu: 😳😳
Me: Run faster! You wouldn't want them to be looking forever right?
Yaya: Faster, guys!
Me: I'm here!! So are Amu and Tadase!
Rima: Me too!
Me: Let's go in.
Yaya: Sure! *takes pictures of Amu and Tadase*
Tadase: Do I still have to carry her?
Me: Of course. You also need to carry her home. Okay?
Everybody: *goes in the shop*
People: *stares at Amu and Tadase*
Me: HEY! Mind your own business! You guys are just jealous, right? Because they're acting all lovey-dovey.
People: *looks away*
Me: You guys need to thank me later.
Amu and Tadase: *nods*
~~~~~After who knows how many hours of shopping~~~~~
Me: Ah! Looks like it's 9 already. Good thing we ate!
Tadase: Quiet.
Amu: *sleeping*
Me: 😊😊 Let's go home!
Yaya: Sure.
Me: Eto, me, Rima and Yaya will go home together. Bye!
Tadase: ........
~~~~~With me, Yaya and Rima~~~~~
Me: Let's go to Amu's house!
Yaya: Okay.
Rima: I don't mind.
~~~~~At Amu's House~~~~~
Me: Ah! They're almost here! Let's hide behind there! *points at a bush*
Yaya: Why are we even spying? *whispers*
Me: Just because. *whispers*
Rima: Look! *whispers*
Tadase: *presses the doorbell*
Amu's parents: *opens the door*
Amu's mom: Ah! Tadase-kun, right?
Tadase: *nods*
Amu's dad: W-What did you do to my daughter?
Tadase: Well, it's a long story. But, here. She's asleep. *hands over Amu*
Amu's mom: Sorry for the trouble.
Tadase: It's fine, really.
Amu's mom: Thank you. Would you like to stay here? It's already late, after all.
Tadase: No! It's fine! I can walk home.
Amu's mom: Are you sure?
Tadase: *nods*
Amu's mom: Okay. Be careful!
Tadase: Hai! *walks away*
Me, Yaya and Rima: *follows Tadase*
Me: Awww! Why didn't you stay?
Tadase: 😵😵😵 *faints*
Yaya: You scared the life out of him!
Me: Not my fault!
Rima: Hey! How can you write, walk and talk at the same time?
Me: Skills, bro. Skills!
Rima: Yeah whatever! Bye! *walks away*
Yaya: Bye-bye! *walks away*
Me: Bye! *walks away* That was a looooooong day!

Disclaimer: I do not own Shugo Chara! I only own the story. Hehe. I wonder what happened to Tadase? Bye!!

Shugo Chara: Truth or Dare (New)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें