The Process of Rebirth. {Poem}

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The skin peeled back like leather tethers,

thin membranes of fleshly apple pared to curl in gyres

gyrating down to the unconsecrated concrete floor below

its flecking, narrow pointed nails that splintered little holes into the rock.

Holy yellow eyes pierced the veiling night-shadows,

and there was so much painpainpain chasing

through its veins, as everything shifted into place,

everything rummaged to make room and space inside the

muscle, sinew, fat, marrow-meat-raw bones

sifting and sorting in it,

snap-crackle-pop. Felt like flames bursting to life,

consuming it whole with no mercy to show in the fire's drippings.

Fucking monster, where do you begin and end?

Such a constant blight

floundering upon the ground like an upturned whale

breached upon the seashore, sand licking its wounds, suffocating desert

dry in its lungs. Held its eyes so they wouldn't droop and fall from their sockets

as acid spit poured forth from them, melting crayons

shade by shade in its cornea. The salt was no less remorseful

to set ablaze the throbbing ache and chill, and change.

Always changing, changing, changing,

and always running from the hidden guilt squelching beneath its fear.

Like a sour remnant left tangible on its tongue,

to taste forever, cursed, forgotten, and left behind.

The hair molted with this old, unabashed hide, leaving overt the

vulnerability beneath a shield of soft pink, its hands reached back

to scratch the itch and snag the loose dangling pelt off like a shirt of snake's scales,

to free and release such a fervid tingling. Naked now it was,

to shape itself like clay and find new form, breath, and retention.

It will find another face to keep like a mirror, never one, and to disgorge when

the kindle ardors beneath its pulp once more.

The Process of Rebirth. {Poem}Where stories live. Discover now