Chapter Five.

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Chapter Five.

I told Tabby everything. She sat in silence the whole time, her face showing more expression than her words could have. She was furious, shocked, and frustrated. She anxiously fiddled with her long brown hair the entire spiel. She didn’t judge me in the end – just like I knew she wouldn’t, but she wasn’t blinded by the extremity of the situation – like I am. She told me to go home, to take a nap.

“Go get some rest, I can handle the shop today.” She had said, her almond colored eyes wide and fierce.

I had declined at first, but to no avail. She was set on her decision, and I could do nothing but nod and leave.

“Thanks Tabs, I will call you when I wake up.” I had said just before leaving.

“Anytime, Eva. And don’t stress it, I’m going to be here thinking up a mighty good plan for you.” She winked, and I couldn’t help but to laugh.

I left the shop and made my way home – to where I am now, standing at the bottom of my porch steps - only to be shocked once again. I’m not sure how much more surprise my little heart can take – I fear not too much more.

He stands at the top of my porch, in front of the door. He’s wearing dark blue jeans, and a white t-shirt. His eyes are the color of my vibrant – healthy- grass. His hair almost shimmers in the sunlight, making him look angelic. His lips are quirked in a half-smile, his hands in his front pockets.


Every beat of my heart echoes through my ears, each beat thumping his name over and over again in my mind. Ethan. Ethan. Ethan.

My body is beckoning for him to be closer to me. It’s a feeling that stays burrowed deep within my being – until seeing him. Then the feeling claws its way to my chest, climbs up my ribs at a sporadic speed – kicking out in excitement. It stops at my heart, and bangs on it like a drum.

“Evaline, I’m sorry to show up here unannounced.” He walks down the steps, towards me. I can’t speak – not yet. “I just thought that I owe you an apology. I acted like such a coward last night…” He trails off, looking guilty.

Looking so damn cute.

I can’t watch him suffer in my silence any longer. “It’s okay. I never imagined that he could be your boss, I understand.” And in this moment – I do. He doesn’t feel the pull that I feel to him, just like I don’t feel the pull towards Ross.

Ethan has to accept me as his mate first, to feel it. And I’m not sure if I’m willing to tell him just yet. Not with the dangerous chance of Ross finding out.

“Let’s go inside. I’ll make us some cold lemonade.” I say, motioning for him to follow me inside, and he does. I shut the door behind us tightly, locking it.

If I don’t tell Ethan that he’s my mate, then he doesn’t have the option to accept or decline. This is the only way that I can think of keeping him safe from Ross. Ross may have been just trying to scare us, or more so – me. But either way, he means business. This is a game to him, and I’ve been forced to play. As long as I’m concerned though, Ethan isn’t going to have anything to do with this.

“Nice place you’ve got here, Ev.” He easily says, looking around. “It’s homey.” He adds, sitting at the small kitchen table.

“Thanks, it does the job. It lights up nicely with the sun coming through, and is usually very quiet – as long as the kids upstairs are at school.” I say, motioning upwards. He chuckles a little, and watches me stir up the lemonade.

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