Chapter 8

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Ashley's POV:

I let everything out. My words slurring out in between heavy breaths, I could feel my heart beat thudding against my chest. My voice was cracking slightly but I continued to tell him. It hurt to remind myself of all the pain, but I had no where else to turn to.

I must of stopped talking because beau started to make conversation with me.

"You're an idiot Ashley. I thought you were smarter than this, stronger than this, better than this." He spat every syllable out at me, his words choked me. I didn't expect him to act this way, he's usually there for me and not like this.

"Beau, it wasn't my fault!" I started to argue with him but it just backfired at me.

"Oh so cutting yourself isn't your fault? Okay, it must be my fault then." He stopped for a moment and started shouting again. "I BET YOU ARE ONLY DOING THIS FOR ATTENTION! YOU KNOW IF THE MEDIA FOUND OUT ABOUT THIS THEN IT COULD RUIN OUR CAREER!"

I never thought of it like that, could it really ruin the janoskians? I mean, I suppose if the media changed it into something terrible and almost unrealistic then I suppose it could cause damage their career but nobody knows anyway.

"But-" I tried to get a word in but beau just interrupted me again. He slammed me against the wall and came closer to me, I could feel his heavy breath on my cheek. I felt another rush of tears stream down my face, my mascara dripping down with it.

"Ashley, I want you to leave for a while, just to make sure the media don't find you. We are just about to go on tour and if our fans find out that our stupid little sister cuts herself- well I don't think it sets a good example on them." His voice was quiet now but not in a nicer way, I didn't like this tone of voice, it made me nervous. "Pack your shit now."

He forced me down to the ground where I lay there for a bit. My head spinning from what has just happened. Does my brother really hate me now? What about Jai and Luke, they didn't even argue? Do I even get a say in this? I stared at my wrist for a few minutes before turning to my drawers. I began to throw random clothes into an old leather bag that my nonno gave me for Christmas last year. As I was reaching into my drawers to try and pack more tops I felt a cold metal object touch my finger tips. I stood up and smiled to myself. It was the necklace that Beau got me for my 8th birthday, it had a delicate silver chain with a beautiful infinity sign with little gold specs around it. I still remember when he gave me it.


I was handed a beautifully wrapped pink box, the label said it was from Beau so I was expecting the usual chocolates he gives me but then eats them that night. I pulled the ribbon and popped open the box to reveal this gorgeous necklace cushioned in velvet. I looked up at my big brother Beau and gave him a big thank you and a hug. He pushed me off to act cool but I know he really appreciated the thanks. "You're welcome sis, time for cake now?" Beau smiled and handed me a slice of chocolate cake. Best day ever.


I blinked twice before I realised I'm in reality again. My scars mock me as if to say that they are going to hold me back forever. Will they?

I picked my bag up and ran out the house without saying goodbye to anyone, after all, they probably wouldn't even care.

Get me away from this hell hole.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 29, 2013 ⏰

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