Chapter 2

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Ashley's POV:

"Hi we're the Janoskians!" The five boys said in sync. I giggled at Beau's need to be in the middle as usual! They introduced the video and then they chose their victims!

"Ash, who do you think I should pick?" Daniel asked me eyeing up a few people. Daniel is one of the five members of the janoskians- we usually call him Skip though. James is the other member of the janoskians, he is quite tall especially compared to the others who are small!

"Ehh.. How about that couple over there" I pointed to a middle-aged couple, "Go on!" I encouraged him as he plodded over to their table. They looked really confused but Skip just acted as if it was a normal thing to do! We all burst out laughing at the woman who was trying to get him to leave, it was hilarious!

"My turn!" Beau winked at me and I wished him good luck. He went over to two boys that looked about 14 or so and started stealing their chips! One of the boys recognised that he was from YouTube but still didn't like them stealing his chips. I was in hysterics when I was interrupted by three girls that went to my school.

"Oh, it's her again!" One of the girls whispered loudly to the others. They all looked at me as if I was worth less than a dollar, it's the same girls who bully me everyday at school.

"So, where's your cute brothers?" The girl in the middle asked, her name was Sophie and she was the bitchiest girl I knew. She got whatever she wanted whenever she wanted and now she wants my brother.

"We're filming right now" I said bluntly as possible. I felt her hand grab my wrist as she spoke through gritted teeth. "Don't you even think about trying to outsmart me because I will win. Your brothers probably don't even like you tagging around with them!" I ignored her again and just kept filming. "You little cow!" I felt a sharp pain aching in my shin, she has kicked me with her pointy high heel shoes. Luke and Jai noticed and came running to my aid.

"What the fuck are you doing to my sister?!" Luke screamed at them so loud, that he caused an audience. "Lukey, I didn't mean it! It was an accident, I swear!" Sophie batted her long black eye lashes waiting for forgiveness.

"I FUCKING SAW YOU KICK HER!" Jai yelled in her face, her makeup started to run. I tried to calm Jai down, his fists were clenched and ready to kill any moment now.

"Whatever, she's a loser and you deserve better than her!" The three girls started to laugh and then just walked away.

That one sentence stuck to me. I felt my eyes tingle and then they began to water up. I soon became unable to stop. Luke held me in his arms and Beau came bolting over to see what was going on. "Ash are you alright? What happened?!" I tried to answer but I started to cry some more. Luke explained what happened and Beau started to comfort me. I managed to ask a question between me trying to catch breath, "where's Jai gone?" I looked at Beau who just shrugged and then at Luke who told me. "He's gone to have a little talk to those slags." I attempted a smile and snuggled closer into Luke's chest. "What they said wasn't true, you're perfect! And even though you borrow my clothes, annoy me a lot, and wind me up...I love you so much it's unreal!" I smiled and cried a little more, but this time it was happy tears. I whispered into Luke's ear softly, "I love you too"

"Want to go home or continue filming?" Beau interrupted our hug.

I wiped my tears away and attempted a smile "keep on filming, but maybe not in here...I think we just caused a crowd!" We all nodded and looked around for somewhere else to film.

Jai came running over to me and hugged me, "Those sluts will never hurt you again, if they do just tell me and I will kick the shit out of them...I don't care if they're girls!" I smiled and kissed him on the cheek.


Jai's POV:

"That was such a laugh! The way that lady just stared at you was priceless!" James chuckled.

I gave a quick smile and awkwardly laughed. I still couldn't believe what those girls said to Ashley! She's beautiful, funny and kind. I know they're just jealous..and I know they do this because of me. Just a because of the janoskians, my little sister gets bullied. It's sick.

We had arrived home and I went upstairs to twitter to announce that the new video will be up soon! Luke went up to his laptop straight away to start editing and beau went out with his friends. I saw that my phone was at 4% and I went into Ashley's room to borrow a charger, "Hey Ash, have you got a char- " I stopped myself from saying anymore, she was crying again.

"What's wrong! Is it those girls again? I told them never to say or touch you again!" She didn't say anything all she did was slide her phone over to me.


@janoskiannnnssszzz Ew, you don't even deserve to be their sister! You are fat and ugly!

@ElggaaaJanoskianz Haha, it's pathetic that you're still alive, If I was you I kill myself!"

@JaisGurlllFwend Fat. Cow. Slut. Ugly. Just some of the things you are.

I stopped myself from reading anymore, I threw the phone onto the bed and ran through to Luke.



Oohhhh, left it on a cliff hanger! Please give me your comments on what you think should happen next? Remember to vote!<3

-Anna x

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