Chapter 6

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I woke up to the smell of burnt toast, I ran down to the kitchen to find Luke and Jai eating breakfast innocently. I shot a suspicious glare at them both and got out the cereal. I got out the bowl and poured the cereal and the milk into it. Just as I began to take a spoonful I stopped, I can't eat..I need to loose weight.

Jai gave me a strange look. "Ash, why aren't you eating your breakfast?" Luke joined in and started asking me questions about it.

"I that I'm.. Going out for lunch with Claudia!" I finally managed to cough out a decent answer, Luke and Jai nodded not even considering me starving myself was an option. I still had the bowl of cereal out in front of me, I couldn't stop staring at it and I finally poured it all down the sink.

I was really hungry now.

I ignored my need for food and just took some water.

I looked down to find Lala sniffing around at my feet. I smiled and remembered how she had ran off laser night, and then how- No Ashley. Remove that memory from your mind.

I shook my head and attempted to make conversation with Luke and Jai.

'So, what are you guys doing today?' I asked, trying to create a subject to talk about.

'Nothing much, we might go to the shopping centre later on, you should come with us!' He offered but I turned it down, remembering what those girls said. I know they were just being bitchy but it was sort of true what they said, I don't really have friends apart from Claudia and I usually tag along with my brothers.

'No, its alright, I think I'm going to the park with Claudia today.' He smiled and finished his orange juice before exiting the room.

Jai was still sitting in front of me, he looked quite converted though so I asked him what was up.

'I'm just thinking about life and shit' he laughed.

'Haha, that was so gay it gave me aids!' I joked, he started to chuckle and it became infectious.

Jai's POV:

'What's up?' Ashley looked at me, holding a stare that was so full of wonder.

I lied to her, telling her I was just think about 'life and shit.

I can't lie at all, I always either make a big story about it or say something weird and random.

I was really thinking about how the janoskians have changed all of our lives, some being for the better and well..others for the worst.

I shut my eyes tight trying to squeeze the thoughts away. Every time I think about those negative insults to Ash I get so mad. I breathed out slowly and started to look around for things to talk about.

I looked around and out of all of the things in the room one thing caught my eye instantly.

Ashley's arm.

I stared at it for a few moments before I started shouting and screaming.

'ASHLEY WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT ON YOUR ARM!" She jumped up quickly trying to explain and keep some tears in at the same time.

'IT WAS ONE TIME I SWEAR!' She panted on saying the same sentence over and over again. I flung my glass across the table letting it smash onto the ground in a million pieces.

'HOW COULD YOU BE SO STUPID?!' I blurted out, not even thinking about what I had just been saying.

She ran out and into her bathroom where she locked the door.

Luke ran up to me and pushed my shoulder.

'Jai what the fuck? What did you say to her!' I completely ignored him and continued to walk towards her bathroom where I continuously banged on the door.


There was still no answer, only the sound of crying.

'Jai, she won't come out if you scream at her! Let me talk to her?'

I nodded and walked into the kitchen again.


Ashley's POV:

I was letting my tears flood into a pool on the floor. My eyes were burning and I couldn't breath properly.

'It's me, Luke. Open the door?' I heard a whisper coming through the door.

I sniffed and shook my head, wiping away some mascara marks.

'NO! I just want to be alone!'

He wouldn't leave so I decided to just unlock the door and slide back into my corner.

'Ashley, explain to me what's happening?!' His demands only made me more emotional, he came up behind me and placed his hand on my shoulder.

'It's ok to tell me Ash, you can trust me' he reassured me a little and I decided to open up to him.

I explained the story to him but in the middle of each sentence I kept quoting that I would never do it again.

Luke knew that I didn't really want to talk about it anymore and just nodded through it all.

'Does anyone know?' I shook my head.

'No, only you now' I looked up at him quickly, 'please don't let this be a problem between us!'

He silently laughed a little, 'nothing will ever break us apart Ash.'

I smiled, and he quickly added 'I'll calm Jai down and explain to him.'

I nodded my head and thanked him, he came over an kissed me on the cheek.

'I love you'

'I love you too, Ash'

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