15. " Game Start "

Start from the beginning

"I'm taking her home, and from now on please stay away from her.", Ichigo said with a serious look on his face.

"Kurosaki, those who are after her are currently in the human world so she'll be safer here."

"Safer? There's nothing safe about her being dragged into the battlefield!", Ichigo angrily said.

"So you heard about the rumors as well, but I can assure you I won't let that happen."

"How can you be so sure?! She's getting too involved in all these. In addition to that she's willing to go into battle because of you! She is prepared to risk her life for you!"

"Why?! She has no reason to!", Toushiro said with a surprised look on his face.

Ichigo hands him what Yuuki wrote with her conversation with Momo earlier. He reads it thoroughly and went silent.

"I see... I had no idea she felt like this."

"I'm sure she will do anything you ask her to even at the risk of her own life. I'm asking you to stay away from her because even if you don't tell her anything she'll try to find a way to keep you safe and get herself in danger. So please while she isn't too involved in this yet."

"Kurosaki, it's not that easy as you think."

"What's not easy about not getting her involved and taking her home?!!", Ichigo yelled.

"I think it's about time you know everything.", Toushiro calmly said.

He told Ichigo everything he knows and how involved she is in everything. Ichigo went silent and clenched his fists in frustration.

"So you're telling me to just accept all that and sit still?!!", Ichigo said with an angry tone in his voice.

"Are you saying that you can do something?! You can't even fight against Chained Hollows without even turning into one of them! If wasn't for Yuuki you'll surely be dead by now!", Toushiro coldly said.

"Why you!!!", Ichigo angrily said as he grabs Toushiro by the collar.

Then they suddenly heard a familiar voice talking to someone, Ichigo quickly let's go of Toushiro.

"Come on Yuuki-chan, the meeting is already over he's probably back here by now.", the voice said.

Momo opens the door with Yuuki trailing behind. They saw the Ichigo and Toushiro and noticed to awkward atmosphere between the two.

"Ohh... your brother is here too, I thought you were still recuperating. Last time we saw you, you were asleep.", Momo said to break off the awkward silence.

"I'm feeling better now." Ichigo said and turns to Yuuki. "We're going home, now!", he sternly said as he tugs her arm.

"You have to calm down! Kurosaki!? Were you even listening?! You can't protect her this way!", Toushiro angrily said.

Momo was confused while Yuuki tries to comprehend what's happening.

(What did these two talked about? It seems they had some kind of misunderstanding.), Yuuki thought.

Ichigo drags Yuuki outside the office but she suddenly stops and tries to get herself free from Ichigo's grasp. Ichigo ignores her protests and tightened his grip which starting to hurt. It didn't go unnoticed by Momo and Toushiro.

Suddenly, Toushiro's fist came flying and landed roughly on Ichigo's cheek which knocked him down to the floor. Ichigo was speechless looking up at Toushirou wide eyed.

"I told you to calm the hell down!!! I understand how you feel losing your sisters but if you keep on acting like this you might lose another!!", Toushiro angrily said.

 ~ Light Of Hope ~ (A Toushiro Hitsugaya Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now