Heart Hunt

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"Emma! Snow! Henry-" Emma grabbed my shoulders and shook her head, trying to calm me down. "Regina we know, Rumple has Robin's heart, and right now you and your children need to be as far away from him as possibl-" She stopped talking and immediately turned pale, darting towards the bathroom. I looked on in confusion and Hook rushed after her, immediately coming out. "She had some bad eggs this morning, so no one eat our eggs." He said slyly. Snow and David just went back to playing with Penelope, but I knew he was lying.


Ugh, memories, Regina smelled like blood, which was strange because she just had a baby and she had showered, because I could smell her shampoo as well. I didn't care at the moment though, my stomach churned at the scent and I made it just in time into the bathroom, falling in front of the toilet. "Swan are you okay?" Killian asked gingerly, rubbing my back with his hand, I was so grateful for Henry writing his left hand back in at the moment, not particularly in the mood to be poked with a hook. "Go lie! Make something up!" I choked, he moved my hair out of the way and then got up, I heard him make something stupid up, something about eggs.

"Emma?" Regina said sternly, I turned and saw her standing above me, crossing her arms over her chest. I groaned and sat up, laying back on my new walls, at least my bathroom was being put to good use. "What." I spat, covering my eyes with my hands, she just smirked and sat down next to me, a new scent filling my lungs. Makeup. The makeup she was wearing was light, you could barely see it, probably to cover up a blemish or two, but I could smell it and I leaned forward, hurling into the toilet. "Dear god." Regina scoffed, pulling my long hair back, I finished and leaned between the wall and the tub, pulling my knees to my chest.

"So when are you due?" She asked smugly, I groaned and dropped my head into my lap, the tears building. "I'm not keeping it Regina." I cried, I saw her expression change and her body become gentler. "What." She whispered, I shook my head and kept my face buried in my knees sobbing. "I can't Regina! I am way in over my head and Hook is just really confused right now, he says that he is okay with it but what if he isn't! He can change his mind! He's not married to me! I can't be a mother!" The anxiety of being left alone started to creep back into my heart, making me hyperventilate. "Hey, shhh. It's okay. You're going to be okay." Regina said hugging me, I felt like a child as I took comfort in her, burying my face in her sweater shuddering. "Emma, look at me, you can do this, look at how well you have done with Henry! He looks up to you and loves you so much! He left me just so he could meet and stay with you. We are all here to support and love you, look at our son, he was able to soothe Penelope in ten seconds and the only way I can do that is with my breasts. You have to let go of this fear that everyone is going to abandon you, because we never will. When I made your new memories, I looked into your heart and looked for the thing you regretted most, and it was giving up our son, don't make that mistake again Emma, I will help you, your mother and Killian too! We all are here for you two." She said wiping the tears from my face, I shuddered and moved closer, still terrified. "But it knows that I was going to give it up! Babies know those things!" I cried again, she just smiled and hugged me again. "I know you want your baby, because if you were going to get rid of it you would have drank that rum, you would have killed yourself in the curse, and you would have done it by now." She said softly, I whimpered and nodded. "Thank you Regina." I croaked, she just smiled and crossed her legs, I was about to say something when nausea hit me and I vomited in the toilet, she grabbed my hair and rubbed my back gently. "Good job. This is just step one and you're doing pretty well."


I walked out of the bathroom with Emma and came down the hall with her, sitting down in front of her parents. "We have an issue. Robin was a total douche bag to Henry and he ran off, and I figured out that he has magic!" I exclaimed, taking my daughter from Snow who was crying for her feeding. "What." Emma said flatly, the shock in her voice mind-boggling. "He is the son of the Savior and the Evil Queen, the grandson of Rumplestiltskin, Cora, and the Charming's." I said slowly for her, she just frowned at me and then dropped her face into her hands. "I couldn't get him to listen to me and he ran off. This is all my fault." I groaned, massaging my temples, I should have defended him and he would still be here if I did. "No Regina, this is Rumple's." Belle said walking into the house, sopping wet. "He wants Penelope, when he took Elizabeth, he gained the magic that she held, and now he wants the rest, Penelope doesn't have magic but she was created from true love, which gives her the most magical powers in all of the realms. If he gets ahold of her the outcomes could be catastrophic." She said wringing her hair into her sweater.

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