Chapter Fifteen: Mates

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Thank you for those of you who have come with me on my journey, This is the first story I have ever compleated. I thank all of you who took the time to read, comment, and vote. After this there is the Epilouge, and thats it. I'm currently starting to write Fat Like Me, which is a non-werewolf story, but a Teen Fiction. You should go take a look at it if you don't know what to read from here. It is compleatly different, but very close to my heart. :-) Please Enjoy, My Lovlies. XXX


I thought I was dead. Somehow I wasn't, the recoil from the gun had knocked me back so hard I had landed flat on my back. I patted my face just to make sure I was alive before getting up to see my Father sprawled out on the floor with a bullet right between his eyes. I looked back at Max who was leaning against the door frame and looking white as a ghost.

“What Happened?” I asked to no one in particular.

Max was huffing and puffing but she answered me. “I enchanted the bullet. Instead of you, It hit your Father.” I nodded but I still couldn't believe it. Jamie was looking at me, with so much love and fear in his eyes I just wanted to hide under a rock.

I walked over slowly and untied both Jamie and Milo. Milo ran over to Max as soon as he had gotten the opportunity. He scooped her up and kissed her like there was no tomorrow. I smiled for them. I hoped that Max wasn't turned off to the idea of having me for her best friend. Because she was most certainly mine. I turned to Jamie just in time for his lips to crash onto mine. I smirked and pulled at him. He turned to the Wolves in the room, seeming to of been forgotten completely.

“You either pledge your loyalty now, or get the fuck out. I will not tolerate traitors on my land. Make your choice.” As We walked out of the room, there seemed to be about twenty good sized Male Wolves in human form jogging to the Study we had just occupied. I didn't pay to much mind.

Jamie scooped me up into his arms as he ran for our Mated room. As soon as the door was closed, he had me on top of the bed. His huge body covering mine, and trailing kisses down my naked flesh. He almost purred. “I'm not letting you leave here for at least a month.” I giggled. I could deal with that.



Jamie and I had a sort of a honey moon. We had spent almost an entire month together, Playing everyday. Making love every night. Sometimes he had Alpha duties he couldn't avoid and as his Beta I was required to be there. Max and I had become the best of friends, and I couldn't ask for a better or more powerful Allie. She had even been assigned to be my body guard when we went out. Not like she really needed assigned though, We would both kill for the other. It was just the type of women we are.

Two weeks after the confrontation from my Father, Max had found out she was expecting. Milo fainted when he found out, but quickly got over it. I wondered what a half werewolf, quarter demon, quarter witch would be like. Then decided I didn't want to bring it up because I was sure they were probably thinking the exact same thing. Scary.

It had been awhile since Jamie had had him to himself. And by awhile I meant a day. So we were going out to dinner. Our first date. I smirked at the thought.

He was holding my hand in the car, and we were listening to some band Jamie swore was the greatest. I wasn't sold. He smirked and asked me to make sure he had the reservations in his jacket pocket in the back seat. I reached back and dug in his jacket. I found the reservations, but I also found a small velvet box. I stared at it for what felt like a century.

“Are you gonna open it?” He teased.

“No.” I responded quickly.

“Why not?” He questioned losing all form of playfulness.

“Because if this is a proposal in a moving car, while listening to music I don't like. Then I don't want to be asked. I deserve better then that.” I stuck my tongue out at him, and the whole car erupted in the sound of his laughter. I guess It was at that moment that I realized how far I had come. And judging by the look of pride on Jamie's face he could tell just how far I had come from the scared and scarred girl in the woods. To the woman demanding a better planned proposal in this car. I turned to him and smiled.

“Yes.” he looked confused as he raised his eyebrow in a question.

“Yes, I will marry you.” I flipped open the box and stared at the most beautiful heart cut ruby ring I had every seen. It had two small diamonds on either side and a ivy pattern around the band. I slipped it on my finger and admired it. “Pull over.” I told him. He looked really confused now. I guess he was just having one of those nights.


“I want to consummate our engagement.” I purred at him. He swung over to the shoulder of the secluded road so fast I giggled in pure amusement. As soon as he turned off the car we were on each other. I really hoped that our reservations were for later because we weren't going to make it in time.

The night ended on the balcony outside our room. We were laying on a sleeping bag staring at the stars. His hand in mine, and he was playing with my engagement ring. We were technically married by Wolf customs, but he had shown me just how committed to me he was when he asked to marry me. Who could ask for a better Mate?

I thought about our future for a brief moment, before I realized that for the first time in my life. Since the Arena, I was thinking about Children. I was imagining a little girl with red hair and blue-green eyes. I wanted that dream. I wanted to have a life with my Mate, and I wanted the whole package. Everything. The whole shebang. I had our Pack. Max, Jamie, and now I wanted something more. I figured I would talk about it with him after our wedding, because I had a lot of planning ahead of me.

I was enjoying every single minute of this second chance at my life. I knew I had my Mother to thank, Myself, and Max for where I was today. That wasn't six feet under. I had been blessed to have theses amazing people in my life, and I didn't know how long I had with them. But I knew how I would spend the time I was given.

Happy. In Love. And Living Life to the fullest. I deserved it. Every single one of my scars told the story of my life. The hardship, the heartache, and the loss around every corner. I wasn't going to allow them to ruin me, I was going to let them build me.

I was Scarred, but I hadn't been broken.

I grabbed Jamie by the hand and pulled him outside with me. We shifted and took off under the moonlight. Nudging each other and taking little love nips. Under the big full moon, Is where I met him, It is where I accepted him, and tonight would be where I confirmed it all.

That he really was my one true love. Always and forever.

<3 We Lived Happily Ever After. <3

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