Chapter Six: Life.

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Thank you to all those who have read, and continued reading. It means so very much. I would love to hear what you think, and I would like to ask you to vote if you like it. Thank Yoooooou!!! :-) X


If I was being honest, The last month had been the best of my life. I had spent a great deal of time with Jamie, and spent even more working on myself. Whenever I would wake up from a nightmare, He would wake up, and we would both talk about it. I was opening up for the first time since I had been taken. Jamie assured me that we could take our time with the relationship developing. The Pack knew we hadn't consummated our relationship, and I hadn't been marked by him. I didn't question why. I knew he was waiting for me to be okay. I had even ventured outdoors during some Pack gatherings and was treated respectfully. This was really beginning to feel like home.

I was sitting on the front porch swing, my legs tucked under me with a book in my hand. I was wearing a white baby doll top, and black leggings. No shoes. I smiled as a warm breeze flitted past me and I pushed my hair behind my ear and smiled at nothing in particular. I looked down at the book in my hands and closed it, Today was just to beautiful. I continued to smile inwardly. My life felt like it was getting back on track and the girl I used to be was making an appearance every once in awhile. I heard the door open and Avery bounded out to sit on the swing with me.

“Hey, Letti!” She smiled in a greeting. I found myself smiling back as I leaned forward to hug her.

“Hey Avery.” Avery kicked her feet and started at me out of the corners of her eyes.

“Can I ask you a question?” Avery asked. I nodded and turned my body towards hers. “How come Jamie hasn't marked you? My Mama, and Daddy marked each other. The Pack is talking about it, and it upsets them. They think you rejected Jamie. Is that true?” Her eyes were big and sad. I shook my head No.

“I didn't reject Jamie. It's just some bad things happened in my past and we're going slow. I know its not how its normally done, but our relationship is special and delicate right now.” Avery seemed like she was deep in thought at this.

“Okay.” She nodded and walked back into the house. I sighed and returned to admiring the oddly warm day. A huge white wolf emerged from the woods and I stood to run over to him. I scratched behind his ears and gave him a kiss on the snout.

“Have a good patrol?” I questioned. He grinned wolfishly at me. He nudged me towards the house and I giggled. Once we were In our room together he shifted and pulled his cloths on while I sat on the bed, cross-legged. He prowled over slowly and then pounced on me. I giggled and tried to fight back as he pinned me under him. He rubbed his face against mine, and licked up my cheek. I squealed, so of course he grinned and did it to my other cheek.

“Eeew!” I shrieked gaining a laugh from him. He kissed my lips, with a smile on his face.

“I have something I need to talk to you about.” He told me becoming serious.

“Is this about the Pack getting upset because we haven't officially Mated?” He looked confused and then smirked.

“Avery.” I nodded in confirmation. “Shes a worse gossip then her Mother.” He sighed the shifted onto his side holding me, facing him. “I want us to be officially Mated, but I want to know your ready.” He took a deep breath like he was getting ready to launch into a long winded speech.

“I think I'm ready.” I confessed and it sounded like the air was punched out of his chest.

“Come again?” He asked leaning one of his ears closer to my mouth.

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