One Simple Twist

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~One Simple Twist~

Green eyes that sparkle when the sun hits them just right,

Are found sprakling with tears every single night.

Tears of pain and of sorrow,

Tears that everyday dread tomorrow.

Years of finger pointing and name calling,

And now her confidence has started falling.

Her friends are with her no more,

For now she is picked at and hurting at her core.

They all left and never took a second look,

To see that she was hurting and crying behind her book.

For today she is done with all the pain,

She is tired of playing the same old game.

She wants to end it all today,

Since she knows no one will miss her anyway.

She holds the razor to her small wrist,

All she has to do is one simple twist.

That twist could end all of her problems and change her life,

And that's what she did that very night.

Today she is gone and everyone knows,

That is they were kinder her confidence would have grown.

But they all can now all see,

How happy she'd still be,

If they weren't so mean.

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