Chapter 3

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I collapsed on my bed, so grateful it was there, so nice and soft.

Jolting up I looked at the clock. 6:20 a.m....

Hmm, I must have fallen asleep. Getting up, I stretched and got dressed.

I hummed as I made my way downstairs, grabing my skateboard.

Locking the door, I hoped on my skateboard and sped down the block and to the horrible existence of my school.

My few friends that I have greeted me. I'm popular but sort of as in, 'stay away from her' or they just couldn't talk to me and plus, I was a bitch to pretty much everyone except my friends.

"Luella!" Liz greeted me with an enormous hug.

Her real name was Elizabeth but in my little group we called her Liz for short.

Beth, Zane, Alex, and Patty, all greeted me with smiles, hugs and 'I missed you'.

In our group Liz was the hyper one. I was the bitch. Beth was the nerdy one (in a good way ;)). Zane was the hot kne. Alex was the calm one, and Patty was the quiet one.

We all had our little roles in our group.

And the best thing? We were all Kiuses, it's actually how we all became friends.

Liz could control air, Beth had a calculus power that was good for figuring things out and strategy, Zane was a shape-shifter but only into things he's seen, Alex was able to control shadows and become one, and Patty could control you but only once and with direct eye contact (she hardly uses it since she's not really into that kind of power over someone).

We all walked into school together and I told them how I got killed and my new power.


I grabbed my skateboard. 'Finally the end of the day!' I screamed in my head as I sighed out loud. Alex offered to accompany me home since he lived on the street right next to mine. I nodded and we skateboarded down the street.

As I waved goodbye to Alex as he headed home, I walked into my house to find no other then, you guessed it, The Slayers.

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