Waking up

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I slowly opened my eyes. Darkness.

I tried to open them again. Darkness.

I sighed inwardly. Where was I? Who am I. Luella... I am Luella...

I tried to open my eyes once again but closed them tightly at the blinding light. Light... light!

Light was here, am I in heaven? I hope I am I've been in this overwhelming darkness for to long.

"Luella" a small, faint voice said.

The voice was familiar and very motherly. I was dead though, my mother can't be here, that's impossible.

"Luella" the voice said again, although it sounded closer... clearer.

I tried to open my eyes again, getting more light then last time. I blinked away the darkness, forcing my eyes to stay open.

A face... blurry and worried. I couldn't feel what was next to me or even myself.

The face slowly became clearer and clearer... mother.

I couldn't speak or call out to her and, oh how I wanted to. Her tear stained face made me want to cry but I couldn't.

She smiled and hugged me and I wish I could speak but I couldn't reach my voice.

"you're alive!" she proclaimed through her tears of happiness.

Hmmmmm... Who knew one could escape death itself.

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