part 13

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"Why the fuck haven't we started a band yet?" Van blurted suddenly, shocking us. He turned towards the boys and raised his eyebrows, searching for an answer. They all looked at each other cluelessly and shrugged their shoulders.
"I mean, you three play instruments don't ye? And we're all best mates, it's destiny." Benji, Bob and Bondy all looked at each other, 'hmm'ing. Larry turned to me, a small smile on his face, "I guess I'm not included in this plan then," he laughed, shuffling away from the group and moving over towards me on the other sofa.
"Not being funny mate, you've got about as much talent as a dead fish," Van chuckled, a cheeky grin tugging at his lips.
Larry scoffed, pretending to be hurt, but I knew he couldn't stay angry at Van for shit.
"So let's start a band then, become millionaires, girls on each arm." I gasped and chucked a pillow in his direction, "I'm joking I'm joking!" He cried, giving me a cheeky wink.
"It's not that easy mate," Benji said, "you can't just start a band like that, we don't know what we sound like together, we could be shit for all you know."
"Then we'll practice together one day, yea? If we're good then we'll start a band, and if were shit then we'll practice until were not shit. It's a win-win situation."
The boys all sighed, but nodded, obviously not having much faith in Van's idea. I quite liked the thought of them being in a band together, and I know Lola would love being able to tell people that her boyfriend is a musician, even if they weren't famous.
"I think it sounds cool," I said, Van's eyes lighting up.
"Ah see! Someone fuckin believes in us! Sorted then. Were a band." The boys all just laughed, knowing Van well enough to see that he wasn't going to let them back out of this plan that they hadn't really agreed to in the first place.
He took a sip of his beer in victory, giving me the eyes. I smirked at him, my stomach fluttering when he nodded towards the stairs, his eyes filled with lust. I took the hint and got up, using the little acting skills I had to put on a fake yawn and stretch my arms out, muttering an "I'm going to bed" before wandering up the stairs, knowing Van would be following after me shortly. I opened the door to 'our' room and sat on the bed, crossing my legs and sticking my chest out to appear slightly more provocative, but cringing at myself knowing I was the complete opposite. The door suddenly creaked open as Van entered, walking over to me and immediately leaning in to kiss me without saying a word. A wave of confidence came over me and I pulled him down on top of me, my hands travelling south. He let out a small moan and I pulled away, smirking before flipping him over so that I was sat over him. I stared at him for a while, his lips slightly swollen and red from kissing, and his hair a tangled mess. I removed his jumper and kissed his chest, lowering my head with each one, until my lips came in contact with the cold metal of his belt buckle, which I slowly undid, then his jeans and watched his eyes roll back as I- you know.. Did the deed.

After I'd finished the 'business', I crept into the shower with Van, who was a satisfied, sweaty mess.
"I didn't know you could be so kinky," he joked, droplets of water running down his face.
"Oh piss off," I sighed, my cheeks turning red.
"I'm kiddin' babe, but it was ace, that,"
I giggled, squeezing past him for the shampoo and handing it to him, smiling sweetly, hoping he'd take the hint. He sighed in defeat and squirted a bit in his hand, rubbing it into my hair.
"Don't moan, after what I just did for you it's the least I deserve," I said, shutting my eyes as I enjoyed the massage.

The following week was dull, Lola and the lads being the only thing getting me through it. Due to Van's new plan of starting a band with the boys, they spent their days practicing together, and Lola would come back to ours after we'd finished work to watch them play. They played Van's songs and a few covers, and to my surprise, they actually sounded class. Bondy had some ace guitar skills, Bob had the best beats in the world, and Benji just tied everything together with his sick bass. I think after some more practise they'd start sounding like a proper band.
Me, Lola and Larry sat on the floor watching them play a cover of Cornerstone. I couldn't stop laughing, Larry was holding the TV remote as a microphone, pretending to be Alex Turner in the music video, miming along with the song, doing the little pirouette and everything. Van cracked up a few times, stopping singing to tell Larry to 'stop being such a knobhead'.

"That was class!" Lola cried after they'd finished, clapping loudly. Van chuckled, placing his guitar down,
"Cheers Lo, I might call up the pub and see if they'll have us in every week instead of me doing it on me own," he pulled out his phone but Bob stopped him.
"Woah mate, early days, we've been practicing for a week, I dunno if were ready for performing yet!" He said, Lola's face immediately falling.
"Of course you are!" She cried, her voice whiny like a child. I could tell she was excited for the lads, but I did have to agree with Bob. Van had a habit of getting ahead of himself, he was a bit nuts like that.
"We don't even have a name yet mate," Bondy said.
"Well we'll fuckin think of a name then, Jesus. Honestly lads I'm feeling good about this, I think we could go somewhere, we just need to work hard. I don't wanna put everything into this if you lot aren't bothered, if your gonna pussy out then-"
"Van, mate, calm down!" Benji cried, "were all in this, yea? Just sit down for a minute and screw your head back on."
Van nodded and returned back to his seat. There was a moment of silence as the boys sat and processed what was going to happen now that they'd established that this was for real.
"Well what the fuck am I going to do?" Larry suddenly spoke up, obviously feeling left out that he had no involvement.
"I dunno, mate. We'll find you a place," Van chuckled, "learn how to re-string a guitar or summet, could be useful."
Larry tutted, smiling.

"Let's just fuckin 'ave it, lads. If were gonna do this, were gonna be the biggest band in the world, trust me." Van spoke, his words dripping with drive and determination, the glint of hope in his eyes telling me that this might just be the start of something incredible.


I feel like this chapter was really bad and I'm sorry!! I've been so busy atm and I've just been stuck on what to write about. Nearly at 2k reads, thankyou so much!! Peace n love x

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