part 4

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The next morning I awoke to glorious sunshine flooding in through the nicotine-stained curtains of Van and Larry's cottage. The beautiful weather was ruined, however, by the banging headache that I had due to the excessive amounts of alcohol I'd drunk the night before. I winced as I sat up, my legs entwined with Van's, his arm still wrapped round my shoulders. I stood up carefully, trying my best not to wake him or the others, who were all passed out on the floor. I smiled when I noticed Lola and Bob, they had been inseparable all night, and we're still cuddled up together on the sofa sleeping.
I made my way into the kitchen, leaning up against the counter and shutting my eyes, unable to think straight with this headache. The cold soon caught up on me, the hairs on my bare arms standing on end. Even with bright morning sunshine, it did nothing to mask the winter cold.
The countertops were littered with beer cans and half empty bottles of cheap vodka and whiskey. The thought of alcohol right now made me feel sick, and I rooted round the cupboards for something to alleviate my head. I finally found some paracetamol and washed down a tablet with a random glass of water that sat on the side. I heard footsteps from behind me and turned round to see Van, half asleep, rubbing his eyes. He looked pale and extremely hung over, with his hair sticking out at funny angles and dark circles underneath his eyes.
"Morning love" he spoke, his voice deeper and croakier than usual.
"Morning," I replied, running a hand through my hair, which probably looked like a train wreck, "you look rough."
"Cheers," he laughed half-heartedly, "I feel like I've just come back from the dead."
I smiled and watched as he took his fags out his back pocket and stuck one in his mouth, giving me one as well. We both lit them and sat together at the kitchen table, smoking in silence. It was nice, it wasn't an awkward or uncomfortable silence like it usually was after I'd had a go at him, just enjoying each others company. Or maybe it was because we both felt too shit to even speak.
"You look nice this morning." Van said suddenly, making me laugh.
"Are you takin the piss?" I snorted, suddenly feeling self conscious about my appearance, I definitely wasn't one of those that wakes up looking like a model, especially if I had a hangover.
"No, honestly, you look lovely." He looked me up and down with sleepy eyes, and a small smile on his face.
We stayed in silence for a while longer, just looking at each other, before Larry walked in, and Lola and Bob following shortly after them, all looking like absolute shit.
"Alright lads," Larry spoke, nicking a fag from Van's box and joining us at the table.
"I feel like absolute shit, oh my god." Lola moaned, propping herself up on the counter as if she was hanging on for dear life. Bob immediately acted upon her words and got her a glass of water and a paracetamol, to which she gave him a warm smile, her eyes gleaming. I could tell just by this that she really likes him.
"So what are you two doing today then?" Bob asked, laughing at Lola as she practically inhaled her glass of water.
"Regaining my strength. In bed. Alone. With a bacon sarnie."
I laughed, agreeing with her. All I wanted right now was to be on my own, in my own bed.
"I'll drop you two home if you want, I'm not feeling too bad." Van said, looking more at me than Lola. I furrowed my eyebrows, confused, as the state of him right now told me that he was feeling the exact opposite of 'not too bad'.
"Van, it's fine I've got my car." Lola said, shaking her head as if to say 'don't be silly'. Van nodded, keeping his gaze on me, before averting it to his fag, flicking the ash into the tray on the table that was overfilling with stale fag butts.
"Where's your bathroom?" I asked, standing up.
"Upstairs, first on the left." Van said, yawning.

I almost scared myself when I finally saw the monstrosity that I was this morning. I still had last nights clothes on, my hair was mess, my makeup had run, creating black smudges all around my eyes, which were red and bloodshot. Long story short, I looked like a creature of nightmares. I washed my face and tied my hair up in a bun, to make myself look a bit neater, and after a quick swig of mouthwash, I was feeling much fresher.
I made my way back downstairs, where Lola and the rest of the lads, including Bondy and Benji, we're all congregating round the front door.
"You coming Kath? I'm heading off now." Lola said, shoving her boots on. I nodded, and rummaged around the floor for my shoes.
"Where's Van?" I said, suddenly realising that he wasn't here. Larry shrugged his shoulders, "garden for a smoke, maybe."
I finished putting my shoe on and made my way out into the garden, where Van was standing, fag in his mouth.
"We're off now Van." I said. He whipped round and smiled as he saw me, opening his arms for a hug, which I gladly accepted.
"Hope you had a good night, we'll have to do this again, yea?" Van said, as we pulled out of the hug. The space between us had decreased, and he subtly took my pinky finger, playing with it. I nodded, smiling shyly as I looked down at our hands.
"I'd love to."
Van smiled, his eyes scanning every inch of my face. He leant forward and kissed the corner of my mouth, my stomach erupting with butterflies. It wasn't a kiss, but the tingling feelings of excitement that it sent rushing down my spine made me wish that it was.
"I'll see you soon love." He whispered, as I let go of his hand and walked away, already longing to be back with him as soon as I said goodbye to the others, and drove away with Lola.
Van's scent lingered on my clothes, and I smiled to myself remembering the nights events; the kiss that almost was, his singing, the laughs, the drinks. It was the best night I'd had in a long time, and right now, nothing could dampen my mood. For once, I felt completely happy, and I loved it.

"So what happened with you and lover boy then?" Lola said, smiling at me like a proud parent.
"Nothing, nothing," I half lied, trying to hide my smile, "what happened with you and Bob?" I changed the subject.
"Nothing! I do fancy him though, if I'm honest." She giggled like a schoolgirl.

"So you like Van then?"

I smiled, really big, "yeah, I do."

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