#1 : Must make sure not to cause a bad image to the idol.
#2 : Can't mention about anything that happens off cam.
#3 : Mustn't be in a relationship.
#4 : Must try her best to make the show seem more real.
#5 : Mustn't bother the idol off cam.
#6 : Mustn't ask private questions or things that may cause scandals.
#7 : Mustn't fight on cam.

I blinked twice. I was just at the 7th rule and I feel like my eyes were already sleepy. There were about twenty rules that I read but did not mark my mind but I signed anyway.

"I'm expecting to see a good show from both of you." The producer said and shook our hands.

I breathed out when it was just the two of us outside the office. "That was quick!" I said, smiling.

He smiled almost to himself. "Yeah."

I was smiling but I felt so awkward. Can I ever treat him like an ordinary person I am facing? I feel like my heart is going to explode all the time because he is so beautiful.

"Want to grab a coffee before leaving?" He asked.

"Coffee? Yes, it'd be my pleasure." I said.

He chuckled and gestured me where the coffee shop is. It feels like he's been here before because he knows the way.

"Did you read the contract well?" He asked.

"Uh? Yes!" I lied.

"Make sure."

We sat together while sipping from our iced coffee.

"I'm sorry, can I just say something? Please do not freak out." I said.

He looked at me, his lips twitched a little. "Tell me."

I closed my eyes. "It'sreallyanhonortodrinkacoffeewithyoulikethisandi'mreallyreallythankfulforwhatyou'vedonetomeitislikeadreamthatimseeingmyidollikethisandtalkingtohimlikeanordinaryperson-"

"Sungyeon-shi..." He called.

I stopped and opened my eyes, afraid that I might have freaked him out but I only found amusement in his eyes. "Y-yes?" I asked.

"I didn't know you could rap." He said.

"W-what?" I asked with wide eyes before I burst into a short laughter, which has quite an embarrassing sound.

He smiled wider this time. "Tell me again, slowly."

I took a deep breath as I look in his eyes. He was looking back at me, waiting for me to speak but all I could say was... "Thank... you!"


I smiled as cutely as I could and wiggled my eyebrows.

He chuckled. "You're cute."

I almost spit the coffee on him, but I swallowed it instead making me cough. HE TOLD ME I'M CUTE!!! LEE MINHYUK SAID I AM CUTE!!! WHAAAAAAT?! IS THIS REALLY HAPPENING? I CAN DIE HAPPY NOW- no, wait, I'll date him first then I could.

"T-thank you." I said shyly. Jeez.

"Leave some of your excitement for the filming." He said.

"Aish, as expected, you are confident."

"Am I?"

I nodded. "Yeah, I think you are confident because you know a lot of people likes you. A lot of girls, actually." I said.

He chuckled again. "Then you must be confident, too."

"Me? Why?"

He put his chin in his palms and stared at my face. I wasn't even blinking. I wasn't even breathing. Everything with him is really... really just so surreal. It's really hard to believe. It feels like I am dreaming, but I am not.

"Because a lot of guys out there might be interested to you too." He replied.

My jaw dropped, then I laughed. "Yah... is there a hidden camera somewhere?" I asked, still laughing.

"Yah, I'm telling the truth." He suddenly said in his aegyo voice that made me stop laughing.

Oh my God, you can take me now and I'll be peaceful. I am so happy right here, right now with him.

"N-no... there aren't guys like that who might like me." I said shyly.

He smiled and I was taken aback when he pinched my reddened cheek. My cheeks might explode anytime now because it's been heating up since a few minutes ago.

"How did you know? Do you know guys' hearts? You don't. You're an eye catcher, too." He said.

"Oppa... stop kidding."

"Aigoo, I'm not kidding!"

"Save those words for the filming." I said, imitating his voice and we laughed.

When we finished drinking and talking, we walked together but stopped in the middle. He looked at me and crooked a smile. "I'm sorry I can't give you a ride home for now..." He said.

I smiled. "No, oppa, you must be very busy. I'm thankful just when you gave time and sat with me. For being so nice to me, I really thank you."

"Then, I'll go first." He said.

I nodded. "See you again, thank you!" I said as we bowed to each other.

A huge smile crept on my face when he turned his back on me. I took a deep breath and let it out.
I quickly made a normal face when I saw him turning around again.

"Ah, Sungyeon-shi..." He said like he was forgetting something.


"You..." He said and looked at me from head to toe, then back to my eyes. I felt nervous and again, I was clieless about what to do. "You look... gorgeous." He said and grinned, then he completely walked away.

I blinked a few times. I was frozen as I watch him get mobbed by the fans again. I couldn't help but smile, "Thank you... Lee Minhyuk." I whispered to myself.

"AISH!" I suddenly caught a glimpse of his hand. I forgot to take the bracelet again! But why didn't he just give it back? Ah, maybe he forgot about that, too.


A/N: SORRY IF IT'S A LAME CHAPTER! I'm writing through the computer since my phone isn't working very well and I can't get in my writing mood here. Pff! :(
I hope you still liked this chapter though! Please leave a vote and a feedback! Thank you for reading.

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