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Kevin Price HeadCanons.

1.) Kevin loves Kittens. Loves them.

2.) The minion kink (*shudders*)

3.) Either Gay, Pansexual, or Asexual. (Really I love all three of them)

4.) Kevin has OCD, Anxiety, And/Or Chronic Depression.

5.) He had a lisp when he was real little and pretty bad teeth.

5 part II.) He was pretty dorky looking from pre-K to eighth grade and even had glasses and braces that he got and had from sixth to eighth grade to fix said teeth and lisp. But before he went to highschool, The braces came off, he got contacts, and He grew like a foot and a half. (He Got hot af that summer.)

6.) Never had any real friends until ninth grade. (Because he got Hot)

7.) He was in His local Boy Scouts troop and Karate throughout Highschool.

8.) Had a Not so lovely Childhood. His parents were never quite proud. By this I mean, they compared him to his other siblings who were maybe a bit smarter, Handsomer, kinder, or just overall better than him in their eyes. Thus, Kevin pushes himself to prove to others (and himself) that he is truly something incredible, no matter what it does to him Psychologically or Emotionally.

9.) Was Teased a lot in elementary School as well as middle school.

10.) Had a girlfriend in tenth grade named Kaity. She was a super uptight Mormon girl with blonde hair and bright blue eyes. He never did anything more than hold her hand. She tried to kiss him once but he wouldn't let her.

11.) Gave up religion all together after the excommunication. He never really even studied The Book Of Arnold. He was sorta just done with all of it.

12.) For kiss was McKinley on their first Christmas in Uganda. They were under the mistletoe and McKinley blushed bright red. He looked at Kevin, eyes wide and not sure what to say. Kevin, Who was feeling rather confident after they had nearly abandoned their religion, Just grabbed him and kissed him. Both of them had Hell Dreams that night.

13.) Doesn't get sick very often. But when he does it gets BAD. Like really bad.

14.) Secretly adores Cunningham. He talks about them being best friends, But its a bit more than that. Kevin really relies on Arnold, Even though he doesn't admit it. He relies on the fact that he'll always have Arnold to cheer him up and to Say something that will pull him out of the abyss. He really would do anything for him. He just doesn't know how to show it.

15.) Adore Nabulungi as well. He finds her just adorable and they are super good friends. Plus he likes that she makes Arnold so Happy.

16.) Is a really good friend too James Chruch.

17.) fluent in French

18.) Know sign language. American and Other language.

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