Chapter 2: Hunting night

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      When i woke up there was a major throbbing in my head, and the worst part of all was that i couldn't remember what happened last night. i looked around the room i was in, it was a nice room, brown walls a black and red silk bed and a nice white floor light, i then turned slightly and looked beside me...

"holy crap!" i said as i seen Arrow laying beside me, i then got out of bed and looked at myself, i was wearing a tight black dress that stopped about a hand before my knees, there were slits across the chest of it and on the arms, it was an amazing dress, but i just couldn't imagine how this suited me. i walked to the built in bathroom and went threw the medicine cabinet, as i was going threw it looking for something to get rid of my headache when suddenly i heard Arrow say something.

"what?" i replied looking at him rubbing his eyes in the bed,

"the Advils are in the drawer" Arrow said getting up and out of bed, 

"oh, thanks" i said going into the drawer, "aha there you are" i said as i swallowed two,

"are you ok?" he asked as he walked up behind me and grabbed my waist turning me around,

"yea, i'm fine" i said looking down at his hands, "i just... don't  remember anything" i said honestly,

"oh, well you had lots to drink last night, i think we all did" Arrow said as he took the Advil out of my hands, popped two in his mouth and then walked to the windows and opened them all. i rand out of the light and he turned around, looked confused at me then said "oops" and walked over to me laughing.

"your not used to sun, are you?" he asked me, i shook my head, 

"well you will get used to it" he replied  and grabbed my hand,

 "come i have something to show you" he said and we walked away.

The next thing i knew we were walking down a hall, down it was for rooms, his room on the left hand side and beside it another room, on the left hand sides were Vivian's room and beside hers another spare room. He brought me into the second room on the left beside his,

"here, this is yours" He said and once again and walked to the windows. But before he opened them he turned around picked me up and sat me on the  bed, he then went back, looked at me and opened the windows. i smiled and so did he.

"thank you" i said and walked up to stand beside him, the view was amazing, you could see all the other pack mates doing there usual things, the pups running around, the teens practicing there attack skills and the adults getting food and other things.

" it's beautiful isn't it?" he asked turning to look at me,

"yes, it's amazing" i said looking back at him,

"you need to change" he said and walked over to a door on the far wall, "come" he said gently,

"ok" i replied and walked over to him, he grabbed my hand and opened the door, it was amazing, there was tones of clothes, tones of shoes and belts,

"but why?" i asked speechless,

"because i wish for you to move in" he said, " i like  you Dusty" he said looking away sadly, and then looked back and said,

" this isn't it, the door over to the right is your makeup, jewelry, and such. The bathroom is the door next to your mirror" and with that he smiled sadly at me and walked away and into the hallway.

Why was he so sad? i needed to find out... the next thing i knew Vivian was walking in,

"hi!, so my brother showed you your room i see" she said smiling,

"yea, it's beautiful" i said smiling at her and plopping down on the bed,

"he spent the whole day in here making sure it was perfect and thats why he told me to come over and see you, so i could look at things in your room and house so he could understand a little more of what you liked, he really likes you Dusty" she said sitting down beside me,

"then why does he look so sad?" i asked her,

" hes scared he wont win you at the hunt, and speaking of witch lets get ready" she said,

We dug around in my new room until we found the perfect outfit, and Vivian even did my makeup and hair, it was so beautiful i couldn't belive it.

"thank you so much Vivian! your the best" i said smiling into the mirror,

"your welcome, what are friends for?" she said smiling back at me, "well lets go now the hunt is gonna start soon,

"ok lets go" i said as we walked out the door to the house,

While me and Vivian walked down the dirt road to where the hunt was happening, wolves from all territories were staring at me, it was creepy. When we finally got there we lined up to get our cage number,

"i hope we get ones beside eachother" i said nervously to Vivian,

"me too, because i'm scared" she said and smiled at me laughing,

When we got to the wolf who was giving out the numbers he smiled at us and said "you are both very lucky girls, your cage numbes are 1, and 2. enjoy"

We smiled at eachother and walked to our cages, when we got in we closed it, suddenly the Alpha Max started talking, and he was staring at me!

"welcom all of you! to the hunting night! we have here 42 beautiful young female wolves, we have put them in cages to there beauty.Now if you don't already know, the one who picks the wolf in number 1,2 WILL become the Alpha and beta. We will give you five minutes to look around then the hunt will begin!!!" Alpha max said smiling, he then came down and walked to me, 

'if you think your gona be lucky Dusty and get away from me, think twice, because your not" then Alpha Max laughed and walked away.

"5!,4!,3!,2!,1!,GO!!!!" Alpha yelled, and with that the cages clicked open and we ran, the females get a 60 second head start, my heart was pummping so hard i thought it was gonna pop right out of my chest, but i have practiced this for 10 years now and i know how to control my breathing. I then heard the wanting howls of the males chasing us, and then seen Vivian pop into view, 

"Dusty don't stop running!" she yelled

"i'll try, and same goes to you!" i yelled back

I then heard a fimiliar howling noise, two actually, no three! then that's when i heard it, vivian was caught, and the other two wolves were after me!!

"Dusty run!! it's Max that's after you!!" i heard her yelling, and then heard the barking of a comander wolf getting excited, no...No, you will not get me, NO!!!, i got so angry that another boost of speed and compleatly lost the two wolves. I could just see the end where i win, then suddenly a breathtaking pain shot threw my body, and i was laying on the ground with a beautiful grey wolf on top of me. That's the last i remember before i passed out.

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