3. Jo

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After school, Hazel met up with me after my last class and took me and the rest of the girls shopping. I couldnt stop staring at Jo. I wonder what's going through her mind. It looks like she hates me to be honest. When she looked me up and down when we first met today. Why...? "Okay guys. We're on a outfit look for Eliza! She needs a new style and we're the ones to give it to her!!" Hazel said. Cassandra was the first one to beam up. "Yay!!!" She pulled me by the wrist and took me straight to a adult store. "Lingere would look great on you!!!" My face turned red and Jo pulled the both of us out the store. Hazel sighed and smiled. "My turn!"

Her turn.

I was pulled into a dress shop filled with bright colored frilly dresses. Too much....pink. Ugh...
A short pink dress was tossed to me and I put it on. Jo shook her head in disapproval. Cassandra just giggled and Hazel frowned. "Bad idea..." she said. "Take it off." I went back into the changing room to take it off and we left the store.

"...my turn." Jo murmured. She pulled me by the wrists and took me to some casual wear shop. No frilly dresses. No lingere. Just right. She picked out a pair of black skinny jeans that had designer rips, a British flag graphic t-shirt, and a beanie. "Try it." she said. I went in the changing room to put it on and smiled. I came back out and the Hazel gasped. "Woah...you look great!" She said. "Who knew Jo had such great taste."

Once we paid for the outfit, Cassandra and Hazel headed home. Jo and I was left alone.




I began to panic a bit and she smirked. "Eliza? Whats wrong?" She asked. I blushed a bit in embarrassment and chuckled. "N-Nothing." She chuckled. "Want me to take you home? Its getting pretty late." I frowned. "M-My mom isn't....home tonight. Shes working late." I said. Jo patted me on the back and smiled. "Then you can spend the night at my house." I smiled and followed her.

I guess I was wrong about Jo.

Maybe she doesn't hate me.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 19, 2015 ⏰

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