"It is nice to see you again. How is your daughter enjoying Europe?" Emma asked Mr Jenkins, one of the men who worked for her father and had been a close family friend for the last twenty years. He was always at these kind of functions and Emma spoke with him for a few minutes before he excused himself to go and speak to her father.

Before Emma could make a get-away her mother spoke up beside her. "I am glad you changed. Shorts that short do not look good on a girl of your social standing" Janet mumbled under her breath to her daughter. While Daniel was concerned with Emma taking over the family business, Janet just wanted her daughter to become a proper young lady amongst the upper levels of society. Her dream was to see her daughter marry well and to give her grandchildren.

"Mum... Honestly can you leave it alone. I changed, I look presentable and I have a smile on my face" Emma replied, rolling her eyes slightly more so to annoy her mother than because she was actually annoyed. "I would much rather be inside working on my art" She said with full knowledge that there was no way that would happen while the house was filled with people. Emma had been up until 3am this morning working on a new abstract watercolour design.

"Oh Emma, what are we ever going to do with you" Janet said with a sigh as she looked genuinely worried about her daughters future prospects. Turning slightly to look towards the backyard her eyes caught sight of a man standing by the door and her face seemed to light up. "Shane! I didn't know you were coming today. Daniel said that you might, but that you never seem to leave the office these days" Janet said, causing Emma to turn around and look at who her mother was speaking to.

Emma had heard the name Shane many times around the dinner table and at functions she had attended but she had never actually met the man himself. He was her fathers right hand man and at the young age of 26 he was the future of the company. Emma had often made the comment to her father that Shane was the son he wished that she had been. Turning around though Emma was surprised that no one, not even her mother, had mentioned just how hot he was.

A smile settled on her lips as she looked at him. It was impossible not to notice him. He had short dark hair and looked as if he belonged on a runway in paris rather than at a company barbecue. His tall frame and wide shoulders screamed masculinity along with the short facial hair that was neatly groomed to look as if it was an afternoon shadow. Emma felt small in front of him and found herself looking up into his face. It was his eyes though that drew her in and as he took off his sunglasses Emma could see him very obviously looking her over before his attention was drawn back to her Mum. It was brief and if she hadn't been studying him just as intently then she certainly would have missed it.

"Janet, you and I both know that Danny would have killed me if I missed his barbecue" Shane said in a voice that held authority and made Emma's insides melt. "But it is a pleasure to see you again. It has been far too long and you look beautiful as always" He continued, leaning in and confidently kissing her mothers cheek. 

"You always have been a smooth talker Shane. I can see why Danny loves you so much" Janet continued before seeming to remember Emma standing next to her. "Shane, I don't think you have met my daughter Emma before"

Emma noticed that he seemed to straighten up a little bit more, if that was even possible, when he found out who she was. It was always the case when someone found out who her father was and she could see Shane appearing to contain himself despite Emma having caught him checking her out just moments before.

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