The New Client

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Chloe's first client was a young woman in her early 30's.
"Hi," she said politely. "I didn't know two lovely women would be helping me today!"
"Actually, Beca said, I'm Chloe's friend. She lost her voice, so I'm helping her out."
Chloe nodded and smiled politely. She wanted to make a good impression, even though she probably wouldn't be able to talk to her for a couple of days.
Chloe glanced at Beca. They had worked out what Beca would say at the beginning and then they would move on to text.
"So what were you looking for?" Beca asked?
"I was looking for some help with decorating my living room," the lady responded with a smile.
"Ok, I didn't quite catch your name."
"Oh, Anna," she said.
This lady was really pretty. She had short dark brown hair with highlights, and she wore a lot of gorgeous eye makeup. She was wearing a short black dress with a blue scarf. She looked a lot like Beca, minus the height. She was about an inch shorter than her. Beca was shorter than everyone, so this was a surprise. Chloe grabbed her phone from her purse and started texting.
Ask her what the color scheme should be.
Next, ask her about what patterns
And finally ask her what type of furniture.
Beca looked up from her phone. Anna looked confused. "She's talking through text," Beca offered. "What color scheme were you thinking?"
"Brown and blue," Anna answered almost immediately. She was confident and knew exactly what she wanted. Chloe grinned. This first job was gonna be easy. Beca read Chloe's mind and turned to Anna. "It's great that you know want. It will be helpful when Chloe starts designing. So do you have anything in mind with patterns? Whether it's materials or polka dots?"
"I really like polka dotted furniture," Anna responded with a smile," and other than that, I like things pretty plain."
Chloe nodded and just before Beca started speaking, Anna's phone rang. She apologized and got up, "hello?" She answered.
"Right now?"
"Ugh, Ben, I'm meeting with a designer."
"Ok I'll be there in 20 minutes. Let's just go to Taco Bell for dinner."
Anna walked back to the table.
"I'm really sorry," she started, "my husband, Ben's, car is in the shop, and I have to go pick him up from work."
Chloe picked up her phone and started texting Beca.
Tell her we can meet her somewhere tomorrow at any time tomorrow
"We can meet you somewhere tomorrow to talk about the rest of the design. Just tell us what time and we'll be there."
"Ok. 2 works for me."
Chloe handed Anna her business card. Anna pulled out a sheet of paper and wrote this
Anna's number:
102-394-5867 call me if you need to cancel. Hope your voice gets better.
She handed the paper to Chloe and smiled. "See you tomorrow"
Chloe glanced at Beca, and Beca responded. "Thanks! See you soon."
After Anna left, Chloe started packing up. Chloe turned to Beca and tapped on her shoulder. She said something without any sound.
"Yeah I can lip read," Beca said.
Chloe said something else without sound
"Chlo, we just figured out how to communicate!!!!"
Beca smiled. She missed Chloe's voice, but this was better than text.
"Let's go to Taco Bell," Beca said forgetting about where Anna was going with her husband. "We have about an hour before your doctors appointment."
Chloe nodded and they took a cab to the nearest Taco Bell.
"What do you want, Chlo," Beca said as they stepped in to the building.
Chloe pointed to the sign with the Doritos locos tacos.
"Sounds good. It's on me."
Chloe smiled and quickly hugged her friend. Beca ordered the food and got her drink. She had gotten Chloe a starburst freeze to soothe her throat. As she walked back to get their food, she ran into Anna and her husband.
"Beca, hi!" Anna seemed excited. "Small world huh?!" Beca smiled. "Yeah. Chloe's at the table over there if you want to say hi. Maybe we can sit together and talk about the design over dinner."
"Yeah I think that would be great," Anna said as they stepped up to order.
Beca thought about her newfound personality. Chloe had helped her become more friendly and open to talking with people.
"Hey, I saw Anna and her husband," Beca said as she brought the food back to the table. Chloe smiled. Anna and her husband came over to the table. "Hi, Chloe," Anna said. "Did you find out anything about your voice?" Chloe shook her head. "We're going to the doctor after dinner," Beca said. Anna's  husband looked confused. "This is our interior designer," Anna explained to Ben as she pointed in Chloe's direction. "And this is Chloe's friend Beca, who's helping Chloe because she lost her voice." Nice to meet you, "Beca and Chloe," said Ben. Beca thought he seemed nice.
"So," she said, "do you want to talk about the design?"
"Let's save it for tomorrow," Anna said," let's just hang out."
Chloe was really happy. She didn't know she'd get to make friends with her clients. They talked for a half an hour until Chloe and Beca had to go to Chloe's doctor appointment.

A/N: So I just discovered people actually read this, which makes me really happy. So thanks to everyone who reads this 😊😊😊. Also, I want some feedback on the plot. I was reading through it and I noticed the whole thing is basically Chloe's problems that Beca has to help with. I tried to include some of what Chloe had helped Beca with. I would love to hear some feedback from you guys. Anyway, thanks for reading.

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