Part 2

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It's the night of our first date and my car is stopped in front of Renèe's house. It has a creepy feel to it with a gnarled tree in front and broken shutters. The porch looks on the verge of collapsing and the screen door is off it's hinges; all in all it looks abandoned. She had told me to wait outside for her, but she's ten minutes late and I'm tempted to go knock on the door. Just as I take my seat belt off, Renèe comes out. She approaches me and hops in the car as I take in her appearance. She's wearing a simple, navy blue lace dress and silver pumps. Her hair is curled and clipped back with a turquoise butterfly clip.

Renèe turns to beam at me and it's all I can do to not kiss those pink lips. "Hi! Sorry I'm late.", she says, almost breathlessly.

I'm hypnotized by her perfume as I say, "No, no don't worry about it... Everything okay?"

A look passes across her face and her eyes darken before the light floods back into them. "Yup! Everything's just dandy. My, uh, mother was just being, um, paranoid."

"Uh huh...does she want to meet me? Cause I have no problem-"

Renèe cuts me off with a kiss on the cheek. She blushes as she takes in my confused face and says, "Um...sorry. You just look so cute."

When she kissed me, my thoughts muddled together and butterflies attacked my stomach. I completely forgot what we were talking about so I just nod and smile weakly as I put the car into drive.

How can this girl have such an effect on me?


I'm mesmerized as Renèe's bell-like laugh washes over me. We're on the second half of our date: walking along the beach. We live in Georgia so we can walk on the beach in February without freezing our behinds off.

"So, John....what do you wanna be when you grow up?", Renèe asks me with a wink.

I grin back and say, "I don't wanna grow up...thus, I'm going to be just like Peter Pan!"

She rolls her eyes at me and goes to punch my shoulder. I grab her hand though and entwine our fingers. Though the sky is darkening, I can see a blush forming on her cheeks.

"That's nice Mr. Pan....but, seriously, what do want to do?"

I let out a sigh and swing her arm back and forth. "Well, I'm thinking about being a biomedical engineer...or a stunt actor."

She bumps her shoulder against mine and says, "Sounds cool, I could see you doing that. The engineer I mean. You'd probably break your face as a stunt actor."

"Well, we wouldn't want that to happen, now would we? What would I do if this beautiful face were to break?"

She snorts and I feign being hurt until she smiles at me, then I'm lost in the folds of her crinkled eyes. We walk in comfortable silence until I direct the same question to her. Renèe's response is clipped and short.

"I want to be a butcher."

I have to laugh at that, but mid-laughter I notice her glaring me. My laughs turn to awkward coughs. "Erm...sorry, th-that's interesting. A butcher...totally."

Her stare is in the process of making my skin crawl when she busts out laughing. "Oh my gosh! You fell for that?!"

I chuckle a bit along side her once I figure out she was pulling a joke on me. After we calm down she clears her throat and says, "I'm actually not sure what I want to do. I'll probably go into college undecided."

I nod in understanding, I mean, yeah we're seventeen so we should already have a plan for our lives, but it's hard making decisions. I don't blame Renèe for being undecided.

It's 9:36 pm when I drop Renèe off at her house. I get out of the car with her, but she refuses to let me walk her to the door.

"I'm fine, really, no need to walk with me. Besides, my mother is probably waiting by the door to ambush me."

I pout and say, "But what kind of gentleman would I be, letting you walk all alone in the dark to your door?"

She makes a rather unladylike noise, "You, a gentleman? Puh-lease. No way. I don't think you walking me to the door would boost your status of being a pig."

"Oh c'mon! I eat one hamburger, and now I'm a pig?!" Apparently Renèe found the way I eat hamburgers to be disgusting.

"You were moaning like it was giving you a you-know-what. And the juice was dripping down your chin...gross."

I roll my eyes at her. Whatever.

The street lamp in front of her house is the only light so I can barely make out her features. Her eyes are glowing at me and I can see the outline of her soft, full lips....dang, I need to kiss those. Renèe must've heard my thoughts because she takes a step closer to me and whispers, "Aren't you going to be nice and give me a goodnight kiss?"

She doesn't have to ask me twice. Our lips meet gently and I taste the lemonade she was drinking in the car. My mouth moves perfectly with hers, almost as if they were made to fit together. We break apart a minute later and she lets out a breathless giggle. I move my mouth to her ear and say softly, "Goodnight ma'am, it was certainly a pleasure spending this evening with you."

I catch her eyes rolling at me, but I also see the smile on her mouth that causes me to give her another kiss, this one a bit more passionate and with her arms crossed behind my neck and my hands settled on her waist.

Yup. This is definitely the best night ever.


"No way! First date and y'all made out?!", Max exclaims from the passenger seat. I decided to be a good friend and drive him to the store to buy his girlfriend a birthday gift. It's the day after my date with Renèe and Max demanded for details the moment his butt hit the fabric seat.

"Not made was just a couple of kisses."

"Uh huh, sure it was just a couple of kisses.", he says with a wink.

I shove him and reply with a roll of the eyes and a simple, "pervert".

Truth is, although Renèe and I didn't do anything but kiss, it felt like so much more and made me fall even more deeply in love with her...and who knew that was possible? 

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