The cold hard ground (triggering!)

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a/n: this could be triggering to depressed/ want to kill themselves people, you are warned.... Also the song above is Stop by whoever sang it, and listen to it on repeat, it makes sense if you look at the lyrics.This features a same sex relationship... Problem? Don't read.

The stairs, gateway to my death, are cold and black, like the leftovers of my soul. The cold gray railing, brings feeling into my twisted, broken down mind. I see the ground, the welcoming pad for my soul to depart from this battered and bruised body. It's tainted, society, make other fit into the mold, and the ones that can't all pulled into depressions cold hand.

As I slowly slide down the concrete wall, I start to loose it, my mind, I thought I lost it along the path of pain and hate. I decide to call him, the only one who could save me. The boy society told me I couldn't love, the wrong choice. As I hear his beautiful voicemail ring through my ears, I push out a few words in between my sobs," Jason, I know I told you to never talk or think about me, but know that I love you and what ever the bullies and therapist say I will always be there, it wasn't your fault, it's theirs!"

As I hang up, I sit there for a moment thinking about what pushed me to the edge. First, my family, some family they are, kicking me out because I loved the same gender. I remember my pitiful cries of "How is this wrong?" And "I'm your son, your only child, you can't do this?" They left me for dead, and dead I shall be. This is what they would have wanted, their son Kyle to be broken on the ground. The only person to carry on the family name six feet under.

Second, the bullies, I know I shouldn't be affected by the hateful words, actions and glares. But, I was..... I was beat, embarrassed, and just plain assaulted. I'm not the man I should've been.....

Last of all, Jason, the love of my life. He's done nothing wrong, he doesn't deserve a broken people like me........ All he did was love me, but it wasnt enough to save me in the end.

I stand up and walk to the railing and take a few seconds to calm down. I look around me, i see greens of trees, reds of skys, and the dreaded gray of the asphalt. I climb the railing and prepare to jump. I let go of the railing anf fall backwards slowly. My green eyes widen to see Jason, hand streched' in front of me. Gravity pulls me down until i feel impact.               

               Nothing but black


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