The Knock Out Drug

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For the next two days, Maya hadn't came to school.

She had said she was ill, but I knew it was because of my rejection.

' she is strange?, no one acts as strong as her, unable to continue, broken down, only a yandere...
It was all clear now, she was a yandere, and I was her senpai, and I had rejected and broken her.
But what was she gonna do with me.

'someone being obsessed with me' I fought, it warmed my heart and powered a great feeling
so I made up my mind, I am going to say sorry and go out with her, otherwise she might go a murder spree, and kill me.

"Josh.." I heard the whisper from behind the bench I was sitting on.
It was so quite, lost, and full of sadness, that I knew at once who it was, yandere-Chan.
I Turned my head and saw her face, it was pale, and looked so sad, it must of been the definition of sadness. Her eyes where so full of tears that her face was dripping wet.
"Maya...I'm so sorry.. I"
"Josh" she mumbled "don't say it here, we need to go somewhere pirate" I nodded, great!.
I can tell her I actually love her.

We followed the same course, to the gym but it was different.
Her eyes wernt sparking like they had.
When we got to the side room she closed the door.
Hastily I suddenly noticed the black case, which had hid Meku, back in its same spot. 'would yandere-Chan kill me?'

I stood facing her and was about to speak when she suddenly started smiling.
"Uh Maya..i.." I said awkwardly but she whipped something out and before I knew what was happening I felt pain in my neck.
My vision went blurry as I saw Maya pull away the tranquilizer.
"Sweet dreams senpai.." she smirked as I collapsed onto the floor my world spinning, colours flashing, and then stilling as everything went into blackness. The last thing I heard was her laugh ringing through my head.

The yandere Senpai fightWhere stories live. Discover now