Chapter three day 2

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After not getting any sleep I am very tired and need food so I Cooked an mre and at it and shared with max it was turkey and gravy it tasted like crap it was soggy and the gravy tasted like water but we finally finished it. And I finished the canteen now I need water and try to make fire it will be hard without flint so I'm gonna chip at rocks and make a pit. After an hour trying to do that I hear water running so I run and see max drinking in a puddle and I said oh great a dirty puddle yea thanks max your not helping my thirst so I try to make fire but it's hard when you so thirsty. I took a break and stared at that puddle thinking just a little sip but I need to boil it and I keep chipping at the rock and I get more thirsty then I just jumped and drank it. It was the best water ever later that day I found a rabbit and I threw my knife but missed but I jumped on it and snapped its neck now I really need fire. So I chip away and I can't believe it, it worked I cooked that bunny up and ate away and then tried to sleep but I woke up and puked everywhere and fell down and that water got me sick. Now that I'm sick I can barely move and max is ready to eat so I cooked him some food.

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