Introducing Tashi Sister's

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Shaito Tashi
(Pure Light)
Young Shaito

Shaito's father, Lestat, was mesmerized by Kyoko into
Becoming her husband and then seduced him- which leads to Shaito's birth. Because of this, her father who's already extremely unstable in a way, put ber through alot such as calling her flithy and leaving her to become the major vampire rockstar he is. She grew up thinking it was her fault that her father lefted her but with noone telling her it wasn't her fault, she vents her anger towards things which is why she is strong.

Shaito grew up to be ome rebellious, which led to her
Being thrown in the lake by Cordelia, telling her to change that attitude of hers. Shaito couldn't swim when she was little, which explains why she had trouble staying afloat so she can be able to breathe. When her "aunt" refused to help her, this leads to shaito become the narcissistic person she is today, she believed that people "must never fail to be loved by any and everyone".


Shaito seemed to be closer with her sisters when she
Was younger. Shaito's relationship with her sisters changed when they grew up, this must've been caused by the differences in opinions of tgeir fathers and mother.

Shaito always hated hef, since she was born and for tge simple fact cordelia tried sleeping with her mother's husband, her dad.

Like her sisters, shaito developed a hatred for their
Mother because of all the neglect she would give to them by paying attention to Michiko morw than them when their around her.

Shaito's father, International Rockstar, Lestat has always
Loved his daughter but left her fb to fend for herself when he became a big vampire rockstar. Though, she hated him for this every year he git her the best birthday gifts ever and she was sadly heartbroken when he was killed.

Right-handed like oldest sister
Can't swim very well
Considers Michiko her favorite sister
Favorite Tqkoyaki with crisp outside and soft inside
First place she checks when looking at a boy is abs
Bad at mathematics
Plays violin
Hates when soubd leaks from headphones
Mesmerizing spell (curse)
Shaito means (pure light)


Little strength
Immortal age 16(legal)

Age: 16
Height: same height as yui
Hair color: bloody rdd dyed bottom tips, pitch black
Hair type: when dry(wavy-straight), when wet (beach curls) thick
Eye color: green
Weight: 100
Size: 7
Type: birth (half demon/vamp) Now (full-blown vampire)
Blood type: demon blood
Accent: Egyptpanesland

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