"I will not put my mate on some human pill! What kind of doctor are you get out!" Kevin yelled and the doctor ran out slamming the door behind him.

"Stupid" Kevin mumbled under his breath

"Baby" I said stroking his cheek

He looked down at me and his eyes were black

"I'm here everything is fine" I said moving so I was eye to eye

"I love you" I chimed and kissed his lips

He sighed and rubbed his head.

"Did you hear what he said?" He asked sitting on the love chair next to the cot

"About birth control or me being in the heat?" I grinned and crawled off the bed and into his lap straddling him

"About you being in the heat" he sighed

"What you don't want to have sex with your mate?" I asked cocking my head

"Of course I want to have sex with you it's just" he stuttered off

"You don't like me?"

"No!" He yelled and took my arms kissing them

"I love you Nikki I just don't want the other males to smell your arousal" he said cupping my chin and stroking my hair

"Then lets to away, far away for a long time just you and me no one in our way, no Alfa duties, no shit to clean up, no meeting just us" I said with excitement

I started stroking his hair finding the perfect spot he loved me touching.

"I-I don't know Nicole there's a lot to do and so little time I don't think we have time for a vacation" he stated and ran his hands threw his hair

I sighed and got off him

"I understand, I'm going to go for a run" I said turning around and walking out the door

"Baby" he called but I kept walking

The nurses bowed as I walked threw the hall. I was pissed! He put me in a damn house for two damn weeks with two guys who kept insisting I was their mate! Then he says he doesn't have time for me!

"Nicole!" He called out after me but I just kept walking, if he didn't have time for me then why he is still running to Get me.

~ because I love you

I felt an ace in my heart as I walked out side.

I was alone.

~ Nicole don't run

~ why?

~ I said don't run

~ your not the boss of me

I took off running threw the woods till I shifted.

~Nicole stop!~ my wolf said


~ listen to mate. He knows best~

~ but he doesn't have time for me~

~ he's Alfa! He has duties, he loves you~

I felt bad. I stopped and turned around not knowing where I was.

~come home now

~ I'm coming

I felt sick as I walked closer and closer to the pack house and it just had to get worse.

It started to rain. No it started to pour.

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