Friday, March 31

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Dear Diary,
Today's the last day at school. Tomorrow's Graduation Day, which I'm really excited, because I'm receiving the award for being the smartest in class. I'm Angela Waters, daughter of the owners of Waters Garden and Beach Resort. Courtney and Lydia walked right beside me.
"Let's go sit by that table!" Courtney exclaimed, pointing to our fave table. It's now 12:03 and we were here at the cafeteria to eat lunch.
"Angela!"Lydia poked me in the face. "Isn't the cafeteria serving pizza today? It's the last day of school!!!"
I gasped."Oh yeah!!! Let's go order!!!"
Courtney, me, and Lydia lined. It took us five minutes to even order our slices of pizza. After that, we now sat on our table, chatting about our summer outing in a few days.
"Angela,your resort will be perfect!!!" Lydia exclaimed.
Courtney agreed.
"Of course." I said. "After that, how about if we go to Escape, building where people solve puzzles and mysteries for fun.


RECESS. The three of us hanged out at the fish ponds. We sat on one of the benches.
"I'm gonna miss all our classmates,"said Lydia, her eyes wet from crying. Almost everyone at school cried today, all because there's a 50% chance that we all won't see each other again.
"I know," I said.
"Let's all calm down and be quiet,"Courtney said to comfort Lydia.

"YOU LOOK AWFUL!!!"came a mean voice. We turned around and saw Angelica, the meanest girl in school.
"Why are you here?" Courtney hissed.
Angelica grinned wickedly. She neared me. "Hello, Angela,"
I scowled. "Get away from me, you witch!!!" I growled. Angelica slowly backed away.
"That's it."said Lydia.
"Oh, it's not over for the four of us, my dear."said Angelica. Lydia, Courtney, and me went away back to the school building. Recess is over. It's now 2:30 pm. Only an hour left. One last subject before I graduate elementary and become a high school student.


I can't believe this. School is over. Summer vacation is so close.
Me and my bffs now stood under a cherry tree. 3:30 pm.
"C'mon,"said Lydia. "We still have time."
I don't know what Lydia was talking about. Maybe to go say goodbye to our classmates. We all headed inside the main school building. The halls were crowded with pupils and students. Courtney and I followed Lydia as we headed up the stairs and into the school library.
"What are we supposed to do here?!" Courtney asked.
"Check this out!!!"said Lydia. She held a book in one hand, then laid it down on the table.
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It was a book so ancient, it took my interest. I'm surprised. It's title was "The Lost City". But before we flipped through the pages, a shadow loomed over us.
"You three."
It was Mom. She had come to pick us up. I glanced at the back of the book: The book's website.

Mom drove the car the way back home.
"There's ice cream in the fridge for the three of you,"she said kindly.
"That's great!"we all said. Mom just smiled.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 20, 2015 ⏰

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