2 - Wounds

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I don't know if it's her. But being with her felt like it. In the night, sleeping next to (F/N) made me feel like my old self. She made me feel safe and warm and like I never wanted to leave her side.

I awoke to sunlight pouring through the window, its heat beating down on my face. An unfamiliar scent surrounded me, and fluttering my eyes open, I reminded myself where I was. I swung a sleepy arm out next to me, looking for another body. When I didn't find one, I sat up groggily rubbing my eyes.
'Tch, get up. You're going to be late. It's almost eight o'clock. Brat.' I heard a cold voice from the side of me.

He stood there, resting against his chest of drawers in nothing but a towel. His raven hair slightly damp and water glistening over his torso. I quickly closed my mouth as he smirked at me, and threw me a pair of grey jogger bottoms.
'Wear these to go back to your dorm. Don't want to attract attention now, do we?' The man continued, facing away from me and collecting his uniform from the drawer. While Levi's back was turned I quickly slipped out of my shorts and into the sweat pants, adjusting my t-shirt.
'Tha-thank you. When shall I give you them back?' I asked as I stood up.
'Keep them.' He shrugged. I looked over to the clock. 08:03am.

Training began at nine, and I didn't want to be late on my first day.
'Thanks.' I said again, standing there awkwardly.
'Are you going to stand there and watch me get dressed, Cadet?' Levi sighed. Blushing, I walked out of the room, mentally face palming, remembering I hadn't saluted my superior, again. I really had to try to remember to do that. Oh dear, I didn't know where my room was!
'(F/N)?' I heard a voice behind me, and twisted around. 'What are you doing round here?' It was Shona, the girl who helped me out yesterday.
'Oh, I got lost.' I quickly lied, not wanting to tell her that I spent the night with the Captain.
'Well, I suppose you better come with me then.' She chuckled. We talked on the way back to my room, so I didn't have time to memorise the route. Which I really should have done.
'Thanks, Shona.' I told her, giving a wave.
'Good luck for your first day!' She called back.

At breakfast I sat with Sasha, Mikasa, Eren and Armin. Captain Levi was sat at the other end of the dining hall, not eating but drinking tea. He held the cup in a strange fashion, gripping the rim with his fingertips, and not the handle. Trying to forget last night's events, I was joining in with the conversation. Armin had the spotlight, and was talking about something called "The Ocean," a massive salty lake that covered most the planet. I found it hard to believe that water was just sitting there, never running out. I agreed with Eren, if something as valuable as salt was just floating around, it would have been stolen years ago.

'(F/N)?' I froze as I felt a hand in my shoulder, and his voice ringing in my ears.
'Yes, Jean?' I said, not looking up.
'I was wondering if I could speak to you. Alone?' I tensed up even more as he asked for privacy, and Sasha, unaware of our late encounter, smiled, her eyes sparkling, as she saw us kissing beforehand. Standing up from my table, I collected my plate and deposited it in the rack where you put the dirty dishes. Walking back to my table, I bid my new friends goodbye and left the hall. Jean followed behind and I stopped midway through the corridor.
'What do you want?' I said, not turning because I knew that the boy was behind me. He took a deep breath and said,
'Look, I apologise for last night. I was really drunk and you just looked so beautiful. I thought it's what you wanted; you kissed me in that stupid cupboard!' I turned around, staring at him straight in the eye.
'Please, I want to be friends. I'm really sorry, okay?' Jean stepped forward as he spoke. He reached out do my waist and I slapped him hard across the face.
'Don't you dare touch me!' Jean lifted a hand to the red mark on his cheek, cursing in pain.
'You're going to regret that.' And lunged forward. I ran without hesitation, racing down the hall, hearing his footsteps close behind me. Faster than I was, Jean slammed into my back, grabbing my mouth from behind and dragging me back along the floor.

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