the story

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Many, many years ago, a young man by the name of Christian Novelli was very bored. He didn't know what to do, so he walked over to his friend Dan Howell's house. Dan said that he was also bored, so the two of them went to Connor Franta's house. The three of them were very close, and they were best friends.

They decided that, for the first time ever, they would venture out into the Forest of Misleading Creatures. With that in mind, the three friends trudged over towards the forest. To be honest with you, the young men were scared. It wouldn't hurt to call them frightened.

"I know I'm bored," Dan yawned, "but do we have to do this?"

"Well, you were the one who came up with the idea," Connor said.

"I was only joking. You don't have to take everything I say seriously!"

"Guys, stop it. You're scaring the squirrels away," Christian said, causing Dan and Connor to stop arguing and look at the forest. The trees were quite menacing, actually, and they were at least seventy feet tall. Squirrels were scurrying across the forest floor, collecting nuts and berries for the upcoming winter.

The deeper they went into the forest, the darker it got. After about an hour, Dan said, "Alright, this is even more boring than sitting at home. And I'm tired of tripping over all of these tree roots!" As he said that, he tripped over another tree root. Christian could feel the anger emitting off of him and sidestepped away.

"Look, Dan," Connor said, turning his head in the direction he thought Dan was in, "you need to calm down. We'll turn around soon. Now stop acting like a five-year-old, or Christian and I will leave you out here by yourself. Right, Christian?"

Instead of answering, though, Christian was staring straight ahead and pointing. There was light! "Come on," he said, "let's get out of this place."

The three of them started jogging forward, getting closer to the light source. It turned out, though, that the light source was just a lamp—a very large lamp that Dan tripped over.

"Gosh dang it, Dan," Christian said, smiling a little. "How'd you manage that?"

"Well, it's just one of the reasons why I'm a failure," Dan shrugged. "Anyway, we're still not out of this forest. You said we would get out!"

"Don't blame Christian. It's not his fault," Connor butted in.

"Are you in a predicament?" a voice suddenly asked. It was coming from the ground, near Christian's feet. He looked down and saw a dark green, egg-shaped... thing. Its skin was bumpy, and it had no eyes or mouth. Christian wasn't sure how it was talking, and he really didn't want to know.

"Um, yes, we are," Connor said, also staring at the small green egg. "We're trying to get out of this forest. Can you help?"

"Yes, I can help you, young travelers. I am Emmanuel the Avocado, and you are?"

"I'm Dan, and these are Connor and Christian," Dan said, pointing at his friends. Connor waved, and Christian bit his bottom lip and look at the ground. He pulled the sleeves of his sweater over his hands in a nervous way.

Emmanuel the Avocado made a clucking noise and a small orb of yellowish light flew from the lamp and by his side. Christian looked up and stared in awe, for he had never seen anything like it, but Dan and Connor just shrugged it off like it was no big deal. Emmanuel then said, "So, are you coming or what?"

Two hours later, the three young men were back in the village of Joeytown, which is where they lived. The sun was starting to set, but none of them had a curfew.

"Is there anything else you would like me to do?" Emmanuel asked.

"No thanks," Connor replied. "But you're a cool, um, avocado?"

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