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The silent caused a apocalypse . They have killed more people than Hitler. More terrifying than anything you would imagine. The silent have no mouth, yet can still taste the Flavor of war. No eyes, but know that there victim is crying and pleading for them not to kill him, before they burn him alive. No ears, but can hear the terrified screams of the innocent. These are the Silent, and they are out for us all.

In 2053, We first found them. We are measly little humans, which found something that should of never been found. The scientists hypothesis was that it was a part of the ice age, and they were right. It was frozen solid, after all. Nothing happened, except for everyday, we kept finding more and more, and we kept on taking them and taking them to the facility, until one day, there was a fire. And that was the last of them, or so we thought.

About a week later, there was a brutal massacre, 28 people killed at a church, a shitload of blood, and ripped apart carcasses. all the statues of Jesus and our lord were broken, too. There was no evidence whatsoever to trace to the Silent. Until the break of dawn, 3 days later. They attacked a news station, not knowing they were being broadcasted to the United States of America that they were the ones who did all of this.  They even ate the damn carcasses. Everything we did in groups was cancelled, including school, and we were given food by a drone. Not that we liked it, but none of us wanted to die by the silent,  so we stayed indoors. The silent then started breaking in our houses and killing us, one by one. This is when we draw the line.

For a measly month, we tried fighting back, but they had weapons we thought were from scifi movies, and blew us all up with one bullet from the weapon. After that we had one rule. Don't get caught by the silent. From then on, we lived by the rules of the jungle. Every man for themselves. No government, no anything. This is the story of Steven, a 15 year old kid, and his life struggling against the silent.

Authors Note: If you made it this far, thanks for reading make sure to add this to your library and favorite so you know when I update! See you later!

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