She looks up at me.

"If you weren't here to save me, what would I do?" Mal asks, huging me.

She releases the hug, and she has tears in her eyes.

She almost died.

Just as I go to say something to her, Ben, Jay and Evie run into the clearing.

Ben runs over to Mal, almost tackling her.

"Never do that again! You know you can't swim!" Ben shouts.

Mal stares up at him.

"I'm just glad you're ok." He whispers, hugging her tightly.

Mal's emerald green eyes spill light tears.

Ben helps her up.

"Why did you go in anyway?" Ben asks after Evie and Jay finish their own hug.

Mal looks down.

"I have to. So I can find the white rock of information." Mal whispers.

Ben stares at her.

"Mal! Those are deep under the water!" Ben freaks.

Mal nods.

"It was the only way I could get the information." She explains.

Mal shivers.

"Look, I need one more to see what something meant." She explains.

Ben stares at her.

"Please." She whispers.

Wow. This is really important.

"Tell me what it said." He says.

"It said that Malificent is in the place she calls her own." Mal says.

Ben nods.

"I think it means something like a old home." He says.

Mal nods.

"I wanted to be sure though." She mutters.

Ben holds onto her shoulders.

"We will get through this." Ben mutters comfortingly.

We help Mal over to Scout, and she valences against him.

"So where are the places she called her own?" Evie asks.

"Well, the place on the isle." Jay chips in.

Mal shakes her head.

"She wouldn't go there. It would be the first place we would look." Mal says.

Ben nods.

"What about the forbidden castel she used in her bug master plan on Aurora?" Ben asks.

We all stare st him.

"Hey, remember that I lived here where we had to study the tales and know them off by heart." Ben says, hands up in surrender.

Mal nods.

"Too bad it is lost forever in the endless forest." She mutters.

We all double take what she said.

"What? There is an endless forest?" Jay asks.

Mal nods.

"I used it to find the wand remember?" She points out.

This might be some what useful, but I don't think we have a chance against Maleificent without knowing where the castle is.

Hey! So, what do you think? Are they going to be able to find the castle? Do they even have a chance? What's going to happen!?!


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