He's Awake

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Arthur P.O.V. (Merlin is four years old)

I sat by Merlin's side all night. Gaius had to tend to a sick child and had gone there overnight. I stayed because I didn't want him to wake up alone. Around dawn, he started to stir. I jumped up from my chair and grasped his hand gently as he opened his eyes.
"Arthur?" He asked in a small voice. I nodded my head.
"That's me. You remember?" Little Merlin shook his head.
"No, I just liked it." His eyebrows furrowed. "I can't remember my name. I can't remember anyone!" I rubbed circles on the top of his hand with my thumb. He was starting to hyperventilate, I needed to calm him down.
"Your name is Merlin." I paused, debating if I should tell him the truth. I decided against it. "We found you in the woods all alone. There was no sign of anyone around you, so I took you here with me. I'm Prince Arthur of Camelot." He gazed at me with a look of awe.
"You're a Prince?" He whispered. I nodded before smiling at him.
"Yeah, I am." He looked away. I could tell he was thinking.
"What's gonna happen? I don't remember my mummy or my daddy, where am I gonna go?" His lip trembled. I grabbed his other hand and held both his hands in mine.
"You'll live here. My father has taken you in as his ward, so you don't have to worry about that. Even if he didn't, I'd take care of you."

After talking for a bit Merlin fell asleep. Soon after, my father walked in.
"Has he woken?" I nodded.
"He doesn't remember anything. I asked as many questions about his past as possible and he couldn't answer any." My father gazed sadly upon little Merlin.
"Such a tragedy. Well, he must trust you if he told you so much. It is your task to make sure he knows the ways of noble life." He promptly walked out after I gave him a curt nod. I wanted to cry. I don't know who else would remember Merlin; for all I knew it was just me and Gaius.

After a few minutes of sitting in silence, Morgana walked in.
"What's all this talk about Uther taking in a new ward?" She asked me. I gestured to the sleeping Merlin.
"Here he is. We found him unconscious in the woods, and he doesn't remember anything. He didn't even remember his name." Morgana's features softened.
"Poor boy, he probably won't know his family." I nodded stiffly. "What are we going to call him?"
"Merlin." I replied. "Father wanted me to give him a name if he didn't remember." She nodded slightly, walking over to sit by Merlin. He was starting to stir.
"What did Gaius say?" She asked. "About his memories, I mean." I wrapped my arms around myself.
"He said it was permanent. There was nothing he could do." At that moment Merlin let out a huge yawn. He blinked his ocean blue eyes, which were now full of innocence.
"Who're you?" He asked groggily, rubbing his eyes with his fists.
"My name's Morgana, I'm Uther's ward just like you are." She sent a kind smile in his direction.
"Hi Morgana. I'm Merlin." He looked over at me. "Hi Arthur!" Morgana giggles at his actions.
"You are so adorable! Do you know how old you are?" At this he nodded and held up four fingers.
"I'm four. I can remember that! I can remember how old I am!" He beamed and jumped off the cot in which he was laying. He trips on the corner of the bed and falls right onto Morgana's lap.
"Oopsie! Sorry, I tripped." Morgana laughed.
"It's alright, Merlin. I'm so glad you remember how old you are." I smiled. They were going to get along fine.

Gaius came in sometime around noon. After looking Merlin over, he said he was free to go. Merlin rocked back and forth on his feet, holding his hands behind his back.
"Where am I gonna stay, Arthur?" He asked. "Do I get a big fancy room?" I nodded and smiled.
"Yes you do. A big room with a big fluffy bed and a great wide window for you to look out of." He jumped excitedly. "And if you come with me, we can go to it right now!" I was about to walk out when Merlin's small voice stopped me.
"Carry me?" He looked at me with wide eyes, holding his hands out towards me. I hesitated slightly before walking over and picking him up. He instantly curled up into me and put his head by my neck. I started making my way to Merlin's room, my self consciousness on holding a child dripping away with every step. (There's a fluffy scene for you. 😊)

When we made it to Merlin's room, I set him down just outside the door so I could open it.
"Welcome to your new home." I said, pushing the doors open. His room was smaller than mine, and the blankets on his bed were blue instead of red. The curtains were also blue, held back by golden ribbons. There was a rug made out of fur on the floor. There was a small table and chairs that were made out of oak. All scattered around the floor there were wooden toys. There was a dragon, a horse, two Knights, a giant, a castle, and a unicorn. There was also a wooden sword and shield. Next to the castle was a note from Morgana.
Hope Merlin enjoys my welcome gift. He needs his playtime.
I smiled at her antics. Turning to Merlin I said,
"We should thank Morgana the next time we see her for buying you all these cool toys." I said. Merlin nodded before playing with the unicorn. I sat down and played with him until it was close to dinner.
"You hungry?" I asked him.
"Yeah," he said, putting down the dragon he was playing with. "I want some chicken." Smiling inwardly, I walked to the door and called to a passing servant.
"Excuse me, could you bring up two plates of food? Please make sure one has chicken."
"Of course sire." He said before bowing and rushing off to get the food. I turn back to Merlin.
"We will have food soon, okay buddy?" I said ruffling his hair. He giggled.

A while later the food arrived. I got him to sit at the table and we started to eat. Halfway through Merlin spoke up.
"Are you my buba (brother)? And is Morgana my sisa (sister)?" I froze, not expecting the question.
"Yes." I replied. "I am your big brother. Morgana is your big sister." He smiled before letting out a huge yawn.
"Time for bed, mister." I picked him up out of his chair. He curled up into me, and I smiled. I could get used to this. I pulled back the covers and set Merlin down on the bed. I pulled the covers up to his collarbone. Merlin was already sleeping. I kissed his forehead before walking to the doorway. I turned back.
"Goodnight Merlin." I whispered before heading back to my chambers.

AN: Hey my little birdies! Thank you so much for reading this story! I loved writing this chapter as it is full of cute scenes that make you feel warm inside. See you tomorrow, as I will be posting another chapter then.
~Skyleigh 👣

A Child ProblemOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora