The Bag: Chapter 5

Start from the beginning

"I need go to get ready for my dinner date" I said running up the stairs.

"Ashlyn-" My dad started but Trinity cut him off.

"I'll talk to her Mr. Anderson" I could hear Trinity say before following me up the stairs.

I ran into my room and grabbed my bag and the dress. I ran into the bathroom and I slid down the bathroom door.

I clutched my bag and let a tear slip down my face and land on my bag.

I went to grab a toothbrush, but the drawer made too much sound so Trinity heard me.

"Ashlyn, I know what you're about too do. Don't do it" Trinity said trying to open the door.

"Ashlyn?" I heard my little brother say from outside the door, "what are you doing?" He asked.

"N-nothing, Tyler. Go back to the game room" I stuttered out while wiping the tears from my eyes.

"Okay, I love you" Tyler said quietly before I heard footsteps grow farther and farther away.

Another tear fell, and I clutched the toothbrush. I opened up my secret bag and put the toothbrush inside of it.

That's one more thing to hide now.

I got up and splashed water on my face before wiping my face off. I got unchanged then grabbed the dress, and pulled it on. I unlocked the door and stepped out into my room.

"Wow, you look ugly" Trinity said getting up from my bed.

"So do you" I stuck my tongue out at her.

"Seriously now, you look beautiful. Just in time too, Brandon should be here anytime" she winked and I smiled weakly.

"Touch up my hair and make up?" I sat down on my Evan Peters chair and Trinity came over and turned on my hair straightener then grabbed my eye liner.

"Turn" she said. I turned around and closed my eyes and she did my eye liner for me. I don't wear much make up, just eye liner and maybe mascara.

Next, she straightened my hair then French braided it.

"Done" she said and showed me myself in the mirror.

"Thank you, it looks great" I gave her a fist bump then sat on my bed.

"Listen, I know how much you despise Samantha, but you have to at least give her another chance. Who knows, maybe it was an accident" Trinity said.

"You sound like my dad" I rolled my eyes,"and you don't even know what happened that day"

"Enlighten me" she said leaning back.

"So it was the day my dad had that surgery. Tyler, Maddie, and I were all supposed to go to Samantha's house because my dad didn't trust us alone for the night" I paused as Trinity interrupted me. 

"Wait, you mean he didn't let you, an eight teen year old, stay home alone? Just because of one stinking party?" Trinity asked while furrowing her eyebrows.

"Yeah, now let me continue" Trinity shook her head as I continued," I had to pick up Tyler and Maddie before going to Samantha's place, so I went and picked them up from school, but they were hungry. So, I went to McDonalds and got them food then went to Samantha's house. When we arrived I sent Tyler and Maddie to go inside and eat. When I went inside Samantha was no where to be found. So, I went outside too look for her when I heard a gun shot. I turned around to look where it came from and Samantha was running toward me in a panic" I said all in one breath.

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