Drunken words

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I already missed him. I'm sure that's a horrible thing as Phil left for a party only twenty minutes ago, but who am I kidding we're practically Siamese twins. So to pass the time I started to play Five Nights at Freddy's determined this time to make it past all five nights. About two hours later I gave up, exhausted, tired, and hungry only making it to the third night.

Going to the kitchen I made myself a bowl if cereal, cursing at Phil as the box was almost empty. I don't know how we do it being away from each other. And that scares me as we're inseparable. What's to happen when one of us does decide it's time to move out start a family? We can't function without each other, we are each others better halves. And if I was totally honest with myself... maybe I wanted to start a family with him. Maybe we could be together always. But I knew that could never happen, as I knew he probably didn't feel the same.

Stumbling back to my room I decided to stop thinking so hard and go to bed. Dragging myself under the nice warm covers I snuggled until my phone rang.

"Hello it's 1am who is this", I grumbled.

"Danny...how er yoo?"

"Phil? Is that you?", I shot out of bed pacing around in my room, confused.

"Hmm maybe I don't know lemme check. I can't seem to find out."

"Phil? Are you drunk?!", Phil hardly ever drank enough to get wasted this is so unlike him.

"Phil I'm coming to get you. Where are you?" Immediately I grabbed my wallet, phone, and shoes and headed out the door running down the stairs.

"I'm might be at that one bar we went to. The one where you wore that grey shirt and looked hot as hell in."

I stopped in the middle of the sidewalk as people grumbled behind me trying to get around me. What the hell did Phil just say? Did he... No. He wouldn't. He's drunk. Right?

"Danny boyyy, you still there? I'll be waiting for your hot ass outside! Bye!"

The phone clicked off as my heart stopped. Was this a prank? Did Phil really mean that?

I started running towards the bar. I knew exactly which one it was as that night in the bar was when I finally realized my feelings for him. I didn't know how to feel as I never was gay. I didn't want to love Phil like that, we were best friends. But I couldn't control how I felt and as months past my feelings grew. I just wished that if I did tell him he would understand. But I don't know how he would react to his best friend telling him he loved him, so I never said anything. Everything is just bottled up inside me and I want to scream.

Reaching the bar I saw Phil sitting outside with his knees to his chest singing and nodding his head.

"Holy shit Phil! You're fucking wasted! What happened!", I crouched down by him, tucking his hair behind ear. He looked up at me and smiled.

"Why hallo Dan-miester! I thought you would never show! But here here here you aree!"

"Phil can you walk? we need to get home, it's dark."

"Oh it's alright! I'm here, so you need not to be afraid of the dark no more, no you don't!"

Grumbling I picked him up like a baby, cradling him as he wrapped his arms around my neck.

"Daniel you're so soft and warm, I wish I could snuggle up to you alllll the time! I love you."

what? Did he just say what I think he said? Does he mean it? Or is it just drunken words? All I knew was that I needed to get him back to the apartment. And I may be taller than him, but not by much so carrying a man over 6feet proved to be difficult.

Finally after a long difficult walk back I set Phil on the stairs outside our apartment.

"Phil. You have to get up, I can hardly walk up the stairs myself", I laughed softly as Phil dragged himself off the stair and began the long ascent.

"Got a pretty nice view there, huh?" Phil wiggled his butt in my face as I climbed the stairs behind him. I could feel my face turn beet red. Why is he saying this. Is he gay? bi? I don't know but it confused me as to why he was doing this, because when your drunk you don't have different feelings, your just more open.

Opening the door I dragged Phil to the couch and sat him down. Giggling he patted the couch motioning for me to sit down next to him. Smiling I plopped down next to him sighing as I checked my phone to see it was already 3 in the morning.

"Phil I think you need to go to bed. Your going to have a horrible headache in the morning, trust me I know."

"Will you come to bed with me?", Phil asked smiling up at me with eyes bigger than the moon.

Laughing I said yes but inside I was having a major panic attack. When he woke up would he still feel the same? or would he be horrified to wake up to us cuddling, and our friendship thus broken?

Walking to the kitchen I grabbed a glass of water for Phil as he probably didn't drink anything but alcohol and would heavily regret it tomorrow.

"Danny? is that you?"

"Yes Phil drink this and we can go to sleep", handing him the glass of water he smirked at me and said that he would do anything to get into bed with me, making me again flush bright red.

Handing the glass back to me, I set it on the table besides his bed and climbed in with him.

"Phil. You have to tell me what happened. You just don't drink until your wasted that's not like you. What happened?"

Phil frowned looking away.

"Well I was at the club and everyone was there... and they all had their dates. Felix and Marzia, Zoey and alfie, and so on and so on. and I felt like I was third wheeling everyone without you there even thought were not dating. Although I wish we were.

Looking at my shocked face he snuggled into me. I smiled happily looking at Phil's face smashed into my chest.

"Dan? will I remember this at all tomorrow?"

"No Phil. I doubt it. You and alcohol aren't exactly friends. Tomorrow your going to feel horrible."

"So I won't remember this at all?"

"Probably not..." I admitted. "You never remembered yet."

I waited until he fell asleep then slipped out to go sleep in my own bed hoping that tomorrow would be different but knowing it wouldn't.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 23, 2015 ⏰

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