Chapter 2, WHAT?!

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Chapter 2

Later That Day

"Hey, Lizzie..."

"Yea?" I rolled over on my side to look at him.

"I love you." He kissed me.

"I love you too." I whispered.

"I have to tell you something..."

"What?" I said.

"I read something in the news today, zombies are coming Lizzie, I don't know what to do."


Joel's POV:

I just told Lizzie about the zombies and I think she might be hyperventilating. Her eyes got big and she started to breath fast and clutching her tummy.

"Lizzie! Lizzie!?"

"I'm *gasp* fine."

I patted her on the tummy, "How's our little one doing?"

"Fine I guess... How are we going to survive the zombie apocalypse with a baby!?" She sobbed.

"Oh Lizzie, it's not your fault, don't cry..."

Lizzie's POV:

A zombie apocalypse. Just what we needed. As we went to sleep I watched Joel and softly kissed his forehead. How were we going to do it? All of our chances of surviving were almost gone because of the baby. Why now!

Two months later...

Joel's POV:

Poor Lizzie. She wakes up in the morning sick and frail. I was looking at the news this morning while she was at the doctor's office, and it was saying that we should all ready ourselves for the zombie apocalypse. What are we going to do? Lizzie's going to freak and I don't know what I'm going to tell her...

Lizzie's POV:

The doctor's office. The horrors in the room were unreal. In fact, they were undead. There were half-zombie, half-human people that were lurking around trying to get help. One touched my arm and it was like touching a snake. The scaly skin made me flinch, and when I looked up, it only had one eye.

I walked into the doctors office and she looked really tired. She sighed and started to examine me.

"How has your day been?" I politely asked.

"Rough. It has been hard, seeing all these people that are asking to be cured, and I don't know how to cure them." She sighed again.

"I'm sorry. I know that must be hard. What are you going to do with them?"

"We are probably going to open up a hospital dedicated to trying to help and stop them," She said, "Ok, the babies-uh-baby is big enough to be ultrasounded if you want to know the gender."

"Yes please. How long will it take?"

"Not long, just wait a minute."

I got the ultrasound and the first thing she said was, "Oh my gosh..."


"Lizzie, you're having, triplets."

"WHAT!!??? No, no, no!"

"Two girls and a boy, happy, this is great! You're going to be ok.."

"...I'm going home now. Thank you doctor."

"No problem, and Lizzy," She said, "Don't worry."

Joel's POV:

Lizzie hadn't been home in a while and I started to get worried. Then she walked through the door looking flustered. She slammed the door and walked to the sofa.

"How was the appointment?"

"Bad, Joel, very bad."

"Well," I patted her stomach, "What is it?"

"Or should you say, what are they?!" She screamed, "Joel, we're having triplets!"

"Oh, Lizzie..." I sighed and sat down next to her. "At least tell me what they are, so I can stop referring to them as its."

"We are having two girls and a boy, triplets Joel, triplets!"

Oh no.

4 months later...

Lizzie's POV:

I am bigger than you would ever believe. As Joel read me the news we heard a knock at the door. We had our bags packed because a few weeks earlier we had gotten the alert that the zombies were coming closer to our town. Joel got up, patted my stomach and walked to open the door. It was the police.

"Excuse me sir, ma'am. We have received an alert that Mrs-"

"Miss," I said and peeked my head in the doorway, "We're not married."

"My apologies, Miss. Elizabeth is expecting in a few weeks."

"Yes she is," Joel said, putting his arm around me and my belly protectively.

"Don't worry, sir, we are not planning to take her away. We are just warning you that the 'zombies' are coming nearer each day and we wanted to offer you guys a free room in the hospital."

Just as I was about to accept their offer, Joel started to close the door and he said, "No thank you, we are just fine."

I sat back down on the couch. "Joel, why did you do that? The police were just trying to help."

"Lizzie, honey, the hospital is what made the zombies."

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