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"Hannah chan?"

"Hannah chan?"

"Hannah chan?"

"Hannah chan?"

I could feel the feint pulsing of a vein on my forehead; why I let this one boy cause me so much grief, I had no idea. We were both sitting in my living room with cups of tea, the steam slowly rising up and curling under our chins. I was in my grey baggy pajama's sitting in the single seat, cup raised to my lips and legs folded over neatly. While he was slightly slouched on my sofa in a set of very rumpled black and white striped pajama's, holding a tea towel up to his bloody nose and lightly tracing his fingers over his blackening eye.

It stayed silent between us as my eyes switched from glaring at him, to the large clock hanging on my wall; the large letter 3 constantly reminding me what time he had decided to pull his most recent insane stunt. I leant over slightly and placed my cup onto the table that separated us. I had finally, after 10 minutes of silent thinking, come up with the best way to express my concerns about what had taken place here just a little while ago.




My eyes snapped open. My mind jump started itself, completely bypassing that stage of grogginess you got when you were just waking and immediately going on high alert. My apartment made the occasional strange noise from time to time like most others. A draft pushing something around or even gravity finally pulling down something I had lazily stacked the day before. But a creak was certainly not on the list of strange apartment noises.

I sat up slowly and listened, hoping it was just a one off thing. That nothing would happen and I could just go back to sleep.


A squeak snuck past my lips and I quickly slapped my hands over my mouth. Fear slithered down my spine making me shiver slightly. God it wasn't a one off thing, something was making a creak outside my bedroom. My mind quickly ran through hundreds of scenarios from robber, to monster, to gremlins I was pretty sure I ha; each ending with me laying dead in some horrific way on the floor.

I pulled my covers away from my legs and gently placed my feet on the floor, the cold wood making my toes curl.


I froze in my spot; the creaking sounded a lot louder now. What little rational thought I had left tried to reason that maybe it sounded louder cause I was now completely upright but the other 99% of my mind was hyperventilating into an imaginary brown bag and screaming 'Im going to die!'. I snuck over as quietly as I could to the wall by my bedroom door; taking huge steps to avoid anything littered on my floor that could have made noise. I pressed my back to wall as hard as I could and stared the door. This way, no matter what kind of sharp toothed monster came through I could at least have the drop on it and get in a few good hits.

I waited patiently, my body tense and ready for the second that door opened. I listened carefully for the sound of the lock but minutes passed and nothing happened. My shoulders shifted from their tense position up near my ears and gently sagged. I let out a sigh and mentally berated myself. This was so silly; I had gotten so panicky over a few random noises. Tomorrow I would probably walk out that door and find a lose floor board or something. I raised my arms over my head, enjoying the feeling of stretching muscles. My mind was beginning to switch back into sleep mode and I took one step towards the direction of my bed.



I could feel the slightest of blushes crawl onto my face as I went over my reactions to a simple creak. What happened next had basically been a blur of me racing to the door handle and yanking it open before whatever it was on the other side did; and my fist slamming into a drowsy amber eye.

Of course at the time my mind hadn't thought of the possibility that it might have been Kid. I was far too paranoid for that and my crazy half boyfriend; half stalker didn't quite make the list of possible 2 am intruders.

I glared at him again, waiting for whatever psychotic answer he would come up with for breaking in. I watched him carefully; he had started to run his fingers over his black eye and his one good eye was beginning to twitch. I raised an eyebrow at him.


His good eye began to water and I felt I slight tinge of guilt. I hadn't meant to make him cry; beat him a little yes, but not make him cry. Tears leaked out of his eye and he stood up, his hands pulling at his hair.


I stared at him for a few seconds before a blinding pain began to throb in my head and I let my body drop forward;  the impact of my forehead smashing against the table making the teacups bounce.

"Hannah? Move to the left! You didn't land in the middle!"

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 18, 2011 ⏰

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