We're Going To A Place No Demigod Has Come Back From? Can't Wait....

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I couldn't help but wonder what more of the story Jason and Reyna weren't telling us but I let it lie for now. Then I remembered something "So you're saying that we might meet the fates if we go to the The Hellhounds cave?"

"It's a possibility" Reyna said once again her face was like stone but Jason looked so sad and regretful, he was looking at us like-like he'd never see us again.

It gave me chills thinking about it.

Liam asked them "Okay so back on track do you know we're to find the Hellhounds Cave?"

"Are you sure the quest was meant for you" Jason asked me.

I frowned "What do you mean?"

Reyna said sternly "It is folly to go to that cave, you will not come back out alive once you go in, the air itself is polluted, a Poisen, and the Hellhounds eyes are forever watchful, it is madness"

Jason nodded showing he agreed with Reyna, but I drew myself up to my fall height as the oldest I was the tallest but for my age I was average height but I said firmly "It is our Quest we must go, the oracle was looking at me as she spoke! We must go all of us" As I said this I some how knew it was true.

We all needed to go there for what I didn't know but we would get through this together for that I was certain. Reyna sighed as she looked at all of us and our stubborn faces, she saw fear but also determination.

Reyna nodded slowly and her shoulder's slumped in defeat "Very well" she said.

Jason looked up his eyes widening "You can't be serious! They'll be killed"

"Glad you have so much faith in us" Zayn said dryly.

Jason snapped "You're to young!".

I had had enough he may be my half brother but I could look after myself "You can't stop us, this is our quest! And isn't it true that Percy was 12 when he went on his first quest? Even younger than us!"

Jason stutterd "That's different"

Liam said heatedly "No it's not! And three of us are sons of the big three, we've got a better chance to survive this than most Demigods!"

Jason looked like he wanted to argue but like Reyna he saw that this was useless. He finaly gets it I thought irritated.

Jason then looked at me sadly as he said mournfully "I just don't want you to get hurt little brother"

I gave him a tight smile as I said "I can't promise you that but I swear this that we will all survive this!"

I turned to my four freinds glaring like I was daring them to disagree. They each met my gase steadily and gave me a sharp determined nod, yes I thought we will survive this I was going to make sure of it!


Jason and Reyna achaully looked like they were worried for us. Five strangers that they hadn't even talked to that much... Maybe being a Roman wasn't do bad after all. But I still wasn't willing to trust them just yet.

I've heard that Romans were big on rule following so if they found out who I was, would they have to kill me? My descendants helped to destroy Rome for god's sake and my mother attacked their camp. So all in all they had no reason to trust me at all, I felt guilty lying to Jason and Reyna they seemed like good people.

Jason lead us to one of the rooms, along one wall was a huge map, writing and dots coverd it. I suddenly realised with shock this was the map of the underworld.

Zayn gaped at it "You have a map of the underworld".

Jason gave him a wry smile "I noticed".

There were so many places on the map then I spotted some writing next to a drawn mouth of a cave that seemed to have a face of an Hellhound and the writing said next to it "the hell hounds cave" but the image was coloured in red.

I noticed a lot of images on the map were coloured in red "The red means danger, all Demi gods that have gone there have not come back" Jason said grimly

I suppressed a shudder, I didn't need to know that..

"What about the spaces of nothing?" Harry asked nervously.

"No mans land, nothing is there only hard rock which you walk on, you will be easy prey if any monsters see you, they will be able to spot you miles of" Reyna said as she suddenly appeared leaning on the door phrase we came through.

Jason got a smaller map out of the draw and handed it to Louis.

"Be safe brother" Jason said.

Percy Jackson/1D And The Creators HornOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz