Girls, Girls, Girls! Calm Down...

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The news shook the house as Jovanni came in covered in blood and sweat and dirt. He looked like he had clawed his way out of a brutal fight. His face was scratched and there was glass sticking out of his arm.

Joce was cooking in the kitchen when he burst through the door. She ran to check it out and gasped in horror.

Sadie came in next, but was quickly redirected.

'Go to your room, honey.' She heard the girl hurry to do as she was told and when the door slammed shut, she ran to hold Jovanni's face between her hands. 'Look at me, Jovan. How did this happen?'

He mumbled.


'Letty? Was she with you? Did you call her? What Jovanni?!'

'Letty's hurt bad. Went to the hospital. Didn't stay. Couldn't stay.'

Joce huffed in annoyance. She lifted her brother carefully and guided him to the guest room where he found solace whenever he felt welcome. With a grunt, she pushed him to the bed and hurried to get a first aid kit.

'I'm Not a doctor, Jovan. You should have stayed with Letty until the EMS came. Was she breathing? Is she okay?' Jocelyn panicked as her hands gently took care of her brother.

He barely protested as she cleansed his wounds and bandaged them up. It seemed less visible. She sighed in relief after giving him a glass of water and two aspirins. He did, then, begin to whine.

'Sleep will help you heal faster. Do you really want your daughter to see you like this?'

'Not really.'

'Then sleep.'

After finishing the cooking, Joce cleaned the kitchen as she let Sadie eat. She had lost her appetite when she saw Jovanni.

'You are not eating. Why?' Dom came in with his usual jeans and a v-cut tee. Joce shrugged like it was no big deal. 'I ate more than enough for breakfast.' He didn't look impressed with her excuse, so she took a plate and filled it with food.

When she began eating, he kissed her cheek and smiled down at her. Dom had never played the expectant husband or boyfriend, so this was new to him. Joce was more of an independent type so that was even harder to get used to.

'Did you hear about Letty? I was wondering if I could head over there once Scott gets here. Do you mind?' Joce watched his face as she told him what she was planning to do. He seemed upset about Letty but probably didn't know she knew. 'I'm not going to stress out over this. I just think that she needs all the support she can get. That's what family does.' With a sad smile, Dom pressed a kiss to Joce's lip and nodded.

They left for the hospital as soon as Scott showed up and Sadie was busy eating whatever treat he had smuggled to their house for her. He was terrible when it came to that little girl.

Mia met them at the door and showed them to Letty's room where she was badly bruised but awake. Joce hurried to her side and hugged her as carefully as she could. She got emotional thinking about what could have happened.

'Don't cry for me. I'm one tough girl. This is just a knee scrape.' Letty's voice was dry and cracked a little. Dom grabbed her hand with a smile to show his care and concern. 'We know, Let. You don't have to remind us.' He enjoyed making her smile when she seemed to think that she was alone and needed only herself.

Joce made sure to get the full details although Dom sent her warning looks. She kept Letty as comfortable as possible having been in a hospital bed before.

'How's Jovanni?' Letty asked after Dom decided to give the three women some space.

Joce had been worried to leave her brother back at the house, but he would be okay. No major wounds.

'He's in a deep sleep, hopefully. I stitched him up pretty good. He was worried about you... Letty, I know you like my brother. Do you guys have a thing or are you both chasing each other?'

Even Mia wanted to know.

Letty closed her eyes as if she was going back to sleep, but her mouth moved before they could question it.

'He thinks I make a good female figure for his daughter. That's it.'



Mia and Joce said as they stared at her bruised face.

Letty snorted at their synchronized thought. She let her eyes open and stared at them like she was seeing them for the first time. Joce felt a little worried, but Mia knew.


Mia's hand laid on top of Letty's bandaged one.


Joce's joined the two.


Letty whispered as tears escaped the hard face that she could hardly feel on this moment. But her heart was practically exploding with all these mushy feelings. Damn, she never felt so girly.

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