Trials We Face

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'Mr. Dominic Toretto, you are hereby freed from all charges given in this case. A jury of your peers have been given the proper tools to prove you innocent. My sincerest hopes that you are not back in this court room.'

The judge banged his gavel and Dom was released from the cuffs keeping him on a short leash. He was only allowed to stand or sit when a question or statement was directed to him. Now there was no need.

Dom smiled as he was given a handshake from his quick witted, clever lawyer. The family of Benny and Natalya were in attendance, but they showed no true signs of emotions. He felt bad for their losses and wished them the best.

'This is your ride, sir.' Dom's lawyer pointed to a black stretch limo waiting on the curb.

As he said this, the door opened to reveal a stunning image. He had to be dreaming. He didn't win this case and the judge was waiting to drag him back without fair trial.

Joce wore a short all white dress, black w/ red killer pumps, and her makeup was glam as well as the wavy curls on her shoulder.

'Isn't it bad luck to see the groom after he returns from jail.' Dom teased when he slid in and Joce punched him playfully in his side.

They kissed long, hard, and deep. It lasted for all of two minutes but inside there was passion, hope, fear, and love. They didn't ever want to lose each other and that was a good thing for their growing relationship.

'You were gone for a week and a half. Lucky Brian knows a guy that could give you a quick trial rather than wait in jail for months. We should thank him.' Joce thought as the limo took them to their destination.

Dom nodded as he let Joce lean against him with a happy sigh.

They pulled up to a seemingly abandoned amusement park.

When the chauffeur let them out, Dom was greeted by this big welcome home banner. And under it stood all of their family as well as friends. The most adorable thing was that Sadie held a handful of flowers that she had picked from the garden to give to him.

'Dom, you're home now.' Mia smiled as she hugged him tight.

'You're lucky to have THAT woman over there, So please take great care of her.' Jovanni clapped him on the shoulder with a huge grin.

'Welcome Home, bro.' Vince tried to act also macho as he hugged his childhood friend.

'We brought the booze!' Roman and Brian yelled as they started popping open bottles of champagne.

Everyone grabbed a glass and started the party, except Joce who was given a glass of Orange juice.

Dom smiled as she was teased by Roman and Vince. The only two brave enough to rile her up. Brian was also busy whispering in Mia's ear to do it.

'Uncle Dom, Now are you going to marry my Mom-- I mean, my Aunt Jocelyn?' Sadie asked as she chewed on her cotton candy that her dad had given her. 'She was crying, so you better say 'Yes'.' The little girl gave him a pointed look before Joce touched her on the shoulder.

A shake of her head had her giving a quick nod and going to find Letty or her dad to take her on a ride.

'She really wants you to become Mrs. Dominic Toretto.' Dom spoke softly as he watched Joce's eyes follow the little girl. She turned to him with a shrug. 'Maybe I should just give "her" what you have wanted this whole time.'

Joce gave him a look of surprise.

They were far from that stage of commitment. Dom was the most simply complex man she had ever met. What if?

'No what ifs, no maybes, right now...' He paused as he got on both knees like a cheesy romance movie. 'Will you, Jocelyn Reyes, marry this driven guy on both knees instead of one?' Her eyes were gushing with tears as she literally hyperventilated before words came out.

'You-you...are you sure?'

'As I'll ever be.'

Joce turned to see Everyone looking at them with happy smiles on their face. Sadie looked like she was bursting out of her skin. It made Joce happy to know that she had such a great family.

'Yes, I will.'

'You will?'

'Yes, I'll marry you.'

'She said Yes!' Dom screamed as he lifted her up into the air carefully.

Joce giggled before giving him a great big kiss when he put her down.

She had it.

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