Mí Familía

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Photo of Skylar---->


'Give it some gas, míja.' My father used to say just as I slowed to a halting stop. I feared the unknown. He feared nothing. 'You got to try to get it... Nothing but fear can stop you from crossing that finish line.' I understood nothing but now I fully pictured everything with precision.


Dominic let her lead and she was doing a damn good job at that. Her final stop was an old abandoned garage with hundreds of junk trucks sitting around. She gave him a pointed look before ringing the bell over some red pick up.

'Jocelyn, long time no see.' A female dressed to kill stepped from a small back room with a pipe at the ready. She threw it down as a smirk grew on her pretty face. Jocelyn hugged her tightly with a happy chuckle. 'Yeah Sky, I needed to take care of some things. Right now I need the hook up.' She gestured to the covered cars all around the garage.

Skylar gave Joce a look before glancing at the guy towering over her best friend. She was gaping at his muscles. Joce snapped her fingers for the Asian chick to come back to her.

'Yeah, right...'

After rummaging through some drawers, Skylar finally pulled Joce into a backroom. She opened up a locker filled with guns and different types of artillery similar to weapons in war. If you needed anything when in a modern war, Skylar was your girl.

Dominic was silent the whole time and Jocelyn got worried. She had never seen him not crack a joke at her or stare so intensely at a wall. He was out of character right now and she didn't want it to be because of her.

'Hey Dominic, can I talk to you for a second?' Jocelyn reached for his hand as she started to guide him towards a corner away from Skylar.

She absentmindedly ran her thumb over his calloused skin. He had weathered hands, working hands. Jocelyn almost smiled at her observation but thought better of it as Dominic was staring at her with that intense glare.

'Are you okay? Do you want out? I mean, you said you would ride--' Joce was cut off by Dominic kissing her softly on the lips. She gasped at how unexpected it was although it felt so incredibly good. Her hands clasped behinds his neck as she gripped whatever she could find, his necklace, his shirt. 'It's Dom. My family call me Dom.' He whispered as he removed his lips from hers.

Jocelyn let her forehead fall on his with a soft chuckle. She was HIS family. He barely knew her but now it didn't matter. That kiss meant so much more than a miniscule change in relationship.

'Um Joce, I picked up two unidentified vehicles approaching us. Should I turn on the lights?' Skylar was someone who was very cautious. Joce knew that Benny wouldn't blow his cover by rolling up on her so she thought for a second. 'No, not yet. I think it might be Brian or Letty and Vince.' Dom perked up at hearing their names and walked over to the door sliding it open.

Brian stepped out of his car along with Letty who seemed to argue with Vince as he got out of his car with Jesse. Jocelyn hugged the blonde tightly with a soft, warm kiss to his lips. She grabbed hold of his hand to lead him over to Skykar since he was more used to this type of warfare.

Dom looked ready to bury Brian after witnessing how close he was to Jocelyn. The thought slipped away as he caught sight of the Puerto Rican girl smiling at him with a blush on her cheeks. He knew that that girl was HIS no matter who she proved to be close to.

'How's Sadie? Is she doing what I asked of her?' Joce asked Brian as he put together a plan only a law enforcing officer would deem perfect. 'Pretty good. Mia's taking great care of her. She's the perfect mother material if you ask me.' Brian turned to Joce as she snorted.

'I didn't ask you... You are sweet on the Torretto girl. Does her brother know? Mind if I ask him?' Jocelyn teased. Brian lifted her over his shoulder and she laughed full out like when they were younger. Dominic and his team watched their displays of affections with raised brows.

She squealed in delight before playfully punching him in the arm when he let her down, finally.

A gunshot rang throughout the garage and everyone covered their ears. Skylar wore a pair of Ray Bans as she fired her favorite gun, a revolver. She shot a smile to Joce as she watched the girl give her the look.

'Who is up for target practice?' Skylar questioned.

No matter how crazy the girl was, Joce could relate to her. She was family and family was dysfunctional even the most perfect one.

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