Chapter Three- Take the pills to stop the pain

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The car came to a sudden stop causing me to jolt forward and gasp, if it wasn't for my seat-belt restricting me back my head would have hit the seat in front which wouldn't have been a pleasant out come.

"I'm guessing we've arrived?" I called forward to the driver. He remained silent. I was just about to ask again when the the car door opened at my side, I looked up at who had opened it and it was the man in the suit once again with his black glasses and expressionless features.

He twitched his head to the side, gesturing me to get out of the car. I complied without a thought. I undid my seat-belt hearing the soft click and stepped out the car, I hesitated for a second wondering to thank the driver or not, I chose not to, seeing as the driver acted more like a robot than a person.

The man shut the door behind me then stood there sideways with his hands clasped in front of him. I took a moment to examine where I was exactly, I was right outside a warehouse- oh how original.

I glimpsed back to the man suit, all he did was stretch out one of his long muscular looking arms and point towards the warehouse.

I got the hint that I was supposed to go in there, so I nodded to him and wandered towards the eerie looking warehouse. I didn't hear the man get in the car, but I heard an engine roar and as I looked back the car was no longer in sight.

I got to the old battered door, I grasped the handle in my hand and opened the door slightly gaining a loud squeal from it. This felt like some really low budget horror movie, I rolled my eyes and strolled inside.

The door instantly closed behind me leaving me in a big open room which was completely empty all except some metal spiral stairs which looks liked they lead up right to the roof.

There wasn't any lighting in the room, but there were many windows in the room, even though they were small and mostly smashed they still managed to let the daytime light sink through.

I scanned around, there was  no-one here, and no other doors except the one I just came through and the one at the top of the stairs leading to the roof.

So I was guessing Mycroft was on the roof.

"Great deductions John." I muttered sarcastically to myself as I headed towards the stairs.

As I said that I suddenly realized how much I'd missed Sherlock's deductions, even if they were little and I didn't know the person or place he was deducting sometimes, they were still amazing to me. He was amazing.

I frowned blocking him out of my mind as I crawled up the metal stairs suddenly feeling cold from the wind drifting through the windows. I zipped up my coat and took a deep breath before opening the door that lead me onto the roof.

The wind hit me straight away blowing my hair in all different kinds of angles, as if it was trying to escape from my skull. I pushed my hair out of my face and squinted my eyes. My gaze followed straight ahead to Mycroft who was standing in the middle of the flat roof staring into the distance.

For a second I wasn't sure if he knew I was here, but as I started to walk forwards he turned around without a hint of surprise on his face at all.

When I was a few steps away from him I stopped in my stride.

"John." He said in his cool deep voice which flowed through the wind with ease.

"Mycroft." I mumbled wanting him to get to why I was here, even though I had a pretty good idea why.

"It has been a while, I haven't seen you since...the accident." He said the last two words very carefully and slowly to see my reaction, I was trying not to make one, but I couldn't help wincing and he couldn't help smirking at that.

"You should be happy now he's back." He continued still smiling as he started to wander around me as if I was being questioned. He came closer to me and stopped right in front of me, his eyes fixed on my face as I try to hide my expression of sadness and anger.

 Though he can see right through me "Oh, but you're not?" His lips curve up even more.

I keep quite wondering where this is leading to. He took his eyes off me and walked to the side of the building where I followed instantly. I stood by the side of him as he looks out to the other abandoned ware-houses.

"John," His tone turned serious and his eyes glazed over.

"Yes?" I asked gulping. He looked down onto the ground below.

"What if Sherlock's dead?" He murmured quietly. I raised my eyebrow.

"Mycroft, how can he be dead when he's living with me." I answer confused and emphasizing on the word 'living'. He shook his head.

"No, I mean, when he jumped he was fine and he was alive. What if he's now dead on the inside." I wasn't sure he was talking entirely to me now, I'm pretty sure he was mostly talking to himself.

I glanced over to Mycroft and I saw the look in his eyes. He looked as scared for Sherlock as I did. I suddenly understood what he was saying, he too thought the old Sherlock was gone and that he was just empty, and well...dead.

But in my opinion, a dead man could not love.

And Sherlock loved me.

"He's fine, give him time." I tell him moving back slightly. Mycroft suddenly snaps out of his emotional side and goes into his business side.

"I will be needing your help John." He requests placing his hands behind his back.

"My help? For what?" I ask scrunching my nose.

"Sherlock." He continues "I have been keeping an eye on him as you know by now probably, and I can see he is getting no better since he has returned. So I have decided to take things into my own hands. He needs to..." Mycroft struggled to find a word to use "Re-evaluate things." He finished off.

He turned to look at me "He needs help John, not from me or you, from someone professional."

Then I knew what he wanted to do, he wanted to put Sherlock in some kind of rehab. It took me a second to think about it and then I realized it was not my choice anyway.

"Sherlock won't do it, he won't go. I don't get how this is to do with me, I can't convince him." I assure him shaking my head.

"I wasn't asking for you to convince him John." He claims, I knew there would be more to this.

"What do you want me to do then?" I shrug.

"He can't say no and he can't try avoid going if he's taken there without him knowing." I look at him confused.

"I need you to drug him." he explains "Flat out, so we can take him to get help."

I considered it for a moment,

"No." I turn away from him. I couldn't do that to Sherlock, I wouldn't.

"He will die, John. Is that want you want? Him to be gone for good this time?" He already knew my answer to both already. I could hear him walked over to me and place something in my hand, it was two pills.

"Put it in his drink and he'll be out." He whispers in my ear making me shiver.

"No." I repeat in monotone walking away.

Mycroft doesn't say a word, because he can see the drugs still firmly gripped in my hand...


It's short and shit, sorry ;-; <3

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