Chap 1

19 1 1

This story is based in Singapore. (This is a partially fictitious story)

I am drama_addict (pseudonym). I am technically 16 years old this year.

I am left with a month and a half to O-Level.

Months ago, I don't know what I want to do and be in future.

Now, I still don't know.

I only have two options after secondary education---Junior Colleges or Polytechnics.

I know for certain that I would not choose JC because I don't like studying.

However, if I choose Polytechnics, what course am I choosing?

I thought I would study music because I have an interest in music. But due to a horrible experience in Concert Band, I realise the harsh truth. I need to have music background and real music talent to really study music. Because HARD WORK can never beat TALENT. Maybe you guys would said I had not tried hard enough, but if you have been in my shoes and understand what I have been through in band, you would never say that. The way you alway get looked down by other band members who have music background because you cannot play a musical instrument properly no matter how hard you practised. And furthermore, I was alway assigned simple musical instruments like triangle and crash cymbals that I couldn't even play well and could not further developed my musical ability. Tell me, did you ever see someone play crash cymbals and triangle in a concert? No. People play saxophone, drumset and even flute in concert but not clash cymbals and triangle. All I ever wished is to play something different sometimees so that I still can reassure myself that I can developed musical talent as well as other musically talented people. But nothing I have to say now can changed what have already happen. I still have interest in music but I lost confidence in music. I would never choose concert band as my CCA ever again. Last but not least, I have to say something. If I got the chance to have music background, I would have. But having music background is an expensive thing that only the rich can afford. How I wished learning music can be an affordable thing. So, this dream of mine can never be realised and will always remain a dream. (not biased against concert bands, just writing thoughts and rambling)

I am too young to decide my own future because I only like music and drama? Is watching drama even a interest?

Watching drama can lead me to what type of future? I can only see a bleak future. Sad, isn't it?

If you were me, the only interest you have is music and watching drama, and these interests can lead you to nowhere. What will you do?

But in Singapore, at this age, it is a must for me to choose a decision that can have a great impact on my future.

Follow me on my journey in discovering who I really am and what I really want to do in future.

To be continued......

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