Sabrina's POV

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You can call me B, but it doesn't matter to me.

"Ha hurrrr..." How I would love to tease my secret crush, Peyton. What a perfection. One thing is, he has a thing with my dear enemy,Rowan. Okay? Nevertheless, he's cute, funny and nice! He is all that I would wish for...

Rowan you ask? She is my best friend, yes but sometimes you just feel like you're not meant to be together. She's always there for me, but do you think she'll sacrifice for me? I think not.

So here is my story.

It started on August *look at the photo!*
Bradley Perry, school's supercute jock, had a crush on me how'd I know? Here's the story.

I found out by accident, haha. Well I was sneaking on Peyton, making up with Rowan on the lockers eww. Then, Bradley basically hit me by accident which leads me to looking at his notebook that fell off his backpack.

I started reading it since he didn't know I had it.. yet. First thing I know, I saw my name written in gold and silver pen in script. I started to think he did it on purpose for me to see this but I don't know what this is for. I put it in my bag and secured with the zipper.

I didnt want anyone to know I got his notebook.

Love is an Immortality-Sabrina Carpenterحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن