No... I'm feeling it again..

This happiness that feels like it could kill me..

I feel so... Happy that he's here for me..

"Oh hey Mark" JB said

My eyes widened. I pushed Mark away.

Crap.. Totally forgot about JB. Aish! Hyomi stop! You're in love with JB!

"JB, I-" Mark said

"Can you wait? I want to speak with Hyomi privately first" JB said

"O-Oh okay.." Mark said then went away

"J-JB, this isn't what you're think-" I said

"Hyomi... You still love Mark don't you?" JB asked

Those words strucked me like lightning..

"H-Huh? What are you talking about?! I don't-" I said

"Tell me the truth Hyomi.."

I looked at JB. Tears fell by his cheeks.

"I can't stand it... Please, tell me. I don't want this.." JB cried

I felt guilty... And stupid.

I was using him... To, to get myself away from Mark..

I was playing with his feelings without knowing.

He loves me seriously but..

I don't..

"Tell me. Do you love Mark?" JB asked

I bit my lip..

"If I have to say... I'm not sure but.. I think so.. But I-" I said

"I see..." JB said

"Huh? What-Yah!" I said until I saw JB taking out my ticket and ripping it

"W-What are you doing?! Stop it!" I said

"You don't need to come with me. Stay here with the one you truly love" JB said

"JB no! I said I'm not sure-Aniyo, I love yo-" I said until JB hugged me

"J-JB.." I said

"If only if that was true.. I would be very happy" JB said

My eyes widened. JB let go of me and aboarded the plane.

"JB! Don't go!" I called

JB smiled at me then left.


This isn't what I wanted...


"Hyomi.." Mark called

I felt his arms around me..

My heart started to ache..

"Hyomo, let's go" Mark said


"" I said

"Eh?" Mark replied

"No! I don't want to!" I said running away

"Hyomi!!" Mark called


I went to my dorm where Semi and I lived since I don't want to make my family worried since I suddenly returned. I opened the door and saw Semi.

"Hyomi?! What are you doin-" Semi exclaimed

I ran to her and hugged her as I cried. I clutched onto her shirt. Semi patted my back.

After a long cry, I went to wash my face.

"Kwenchana? What's wrong?" Semi asked

I explained to Semi about Mark and JB.

"Oh...I see" Semi said

"But why did Mark even come? I don't get-" I said

"Because I sent him" Semi said

".....Mwoh?" I said

"That's right. I broke up with him so he can be with the girl he truly loves. I told him to go" Semi said

"Why?!! Why would you!! You love him don't you?! So then why-" I exclaimed

"Why? You're asking me why? Because I couldn't stand seeing both my bestfriend and boyfriend in pain without anything resolved" Semi said

"But Semi-" I said

"I gave him up for you. You suffered enough for me by giving him to me and supporting me even though it hurt. So now it's my turn to repay you. So go get him you Pabo! He's probably heart broken right now.." Semi comforted

Tears formed in my eyes again.

"Yah.. Don't cry" Semi said

I nodded and sucked in my tears.

"Now go change and meet up with Mark. He'll probably be in his dorm" Semi said

"Okay but first I'll have a rest" I said

I laid down in my bed and slept.


I changed into new clothes and went to Mark's dorm or you could say GOT7's dorm.

I knocked on the door.

No answer...

??? I turned the knob.

Oh? It's not locked..

I opened the door.

"Uhh...hello??" I said

I walked inside. It was pretty dark... I turned on the lights. I looked around.

"Mark? Hello? Anyone?" I called

I opened the door to a room..

Aish... This room is also dark. I switched on the lights.

My eyes widened.



Ooft. What happened? Stay tuned xD

Twisted [GOT7 Mark FanFic]Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt